Episode 4: Where Black Meets Grey

Start from the beginning

After some time of Soni flying around, he decided to fly up to a lone cloud to sit on. Silkver, who was still on the ground below, did not like this.

"What are you doing up there?" She asked.

"Resting," Soni replied as he lied down and turned away from her.

"Why up there though?"

"Because if I go down there, you're just going to pester me on and on about pulling out a feather and I won't be able to rest."

Silkver became mad. "No I won't! I won't bother you! I don't want to be lonely-"

Soni snored loud enough for Silkver to hear in response. It only angered her more.

Silkver didn't practise her sky element anymore than Soni did since she was too focused on the other. However, she did have some tricks up her sleeve. She twirled a finger in the air, creating a miniature whirlwind, and sent it at the cloud Soni was on. The cloud broke off, startling Soni and making him fall. Luckily for him, he reacted fast and caught himself midair. He glared down on Silkver.

"What the heck was that for?"

"You were being rude and ignoring me."

"Well, it's not my fault you're an annoying mosquito. Can't you take a hint and leave me?"

Silkver frowned. "You're comparing me to a mosquito?"

"Yeah. They're annoying, you're annoyingㅡactually, you may be more annoying than them to be honest-" Soni stopped when he saw Silkver taking a wide stance and putting her hands together. "What are you doing?"

The air around Silkver had intesified and swirling wind was created. Leaves, dirt, and other loose things swirled around her.

"I'm practicing," Silkver answered without looking up.

"Practicing?" Soni scratched his head. "Practicing for what?"

Soni received his answer as soon as Silkver looked up at him with a dirt-eating grin (I wanted to write "shit-eating" so bad but ya know, gotta keep the profanity low with her). As soon as he realized what she was doing, she was already sending up short but strong gusts of wind in his direction. He tried to counter with some moves of his own but the benefit of surprise had been used against him. He wasn't prepared and ended up spiralling backwards uncontrollably from the attack.

Silkver laughed maniacally as she placed her hand on her hips. Feeling satisfied with her revenge, she decided to stick out her tongue to make a raspberry noise as a cherry on top.

Soni then splatted on his back at the top of a tall pine tree some distance away. A snap and a grunt was made loud enough for his sister to hear.

Silkver went silent. She stared at Soni, who was as limp as a worm, on top of the tree for a while. Panic started to grow in her gut.

"Soni? Are you still alive?" She asked.

There was no answer. Not even movement. A gentle breeze passed between the two Starlites, gently lifting Soni's hair from his closed eyes.

Silkver's eyes widened and she went into sicko mode. Her dumb butt was sure she just killed her brother.

"Oh my gods, Soni!" Silkver screamed as she rushed to the tree. "Soni, answer meeee!"

No answer.

"Soniiiiii," Silkver said one more time before bursting into tears. As soon as she started bawling, Soni had magically revived and looked at her, alarmed.

"No no, don't cry! I was only messing with you!" He looked over his shoulder to see the damage. It wasn't much, the wind only shoved him on a tree. The problem was that his wings were tangled up in the branches.

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