✓The Author (Chapter 24)

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After all the classes rolled off smoothly, it was after school practise time and there was no way in hell I was going to run fifty laps and then have an intense work out session. I had just started to feel better and the ache I felt had been subsiding down slowly.

So I bunked.

And sat under a tree in the school premises because going back home early meant facing the skeptical gazes 'cause they know I had after school practises everyday.

I had my notebook in which I usually doodle stuff opened to the page which was ripped off that day. On my first day of the school when I was in the process of drawing someone who I hated the most.

Why did I draw him?

Maybe because I saw him for the first time in so many years and he has changed a lot since then. He was more handsome than before.

All his childish features were gone and he looked like a fully grown man with slender yet built body and a slight stubble was growing on his face.  His face looked more like a man than what was in my memories. In my memories, he had a round face with slightly chubby cheeks. But now, his cheek fat was gone and everyone could see his cheekbones. That's why his spectators called him awesome human specimen.

I drew him because he looked handsome and stood out and because his face was stuck in my head because of the hence reason.

Yeah. I'm sticking to that reason.

I sighed.

I wasn't good at drawing. But still, I tried to draw him.

Seriously, what was happening to me?

Because I felt like I was going insane. I never acted this way the whole time I was in Norway. I stayed lowkey.

Is this what your home does to you?

You start being yourself when you're at a place where you belong?

Yeah, I'm sticking to that reason.

Why was I even thinking these things through?

Yeah... Tyler's sketch.

Recalling what he said in the cafeteria, a huge smile crept on my face.

And I didn't have one bit of decency because I wasn't toning it down even a little bit.

Finally, I get to spend time with him!

I quickly texted Jas, informing him about the success of the plan.

To Casper👻 :
¡¡!!Mission Accomplished!!¡¡

Not even a minute had passed that received a reply from him.

From Casper👻 :
Great! Did you had to go begging for his attention or something?

Why the hell would he ask me that!?

To Casper👻 :
Emh, not really. Why do you ask? He was the one who approached me first instead.

Fom Casper👻 :
Oh. So he made the first move huh. Looks like a desperate fool to me. Harharharhar

To Casper👻 :
What do you mean?

He was so dead. Honestly. Like seriously. Was that supposed to be an insult or a praise?

From Casper👻 :

when you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no— naw. Really don't wanna do this right now. Gotta be somewhere where I'm needed desperately at the moment.

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