From Idiotic Boyfriend: PROBLEM! There's another werewolf, come to the field we're trying to find out who it is! xo

Oh you have got to be freaking kidding me. Another werewolf? That's just great. Just when we thought things were getting back to normal, this happens. This bastard better not have any evil plans on his or her mind because I will personally stick his or her head up the toilet. I am not in the mood for evil werewolves, I'm in a good mood. A happy mood. Not a werewolf mood. Oh snap, tomorrow is a full moon! Great, just great. I sighed deeply and started making my way to the lacrosse field. I could've sat on the bleachers, but that's no fun. So I subtly made my way over to the player's bench and sat down, nobody noticed me and the few people that did, didn't care. So I should be good. My eyes scanned the field and suddenly widened. 'Holy shizzle me bizzle, you've got the be kidding me.' Why the freaking bananas was my brother in goal? Not only does Scott hate playing goal, he sucks at it too. Or at least, he did. When he was still a normal teenage boy, which he no longer is. But still. Ugh I'm ruining my own point. Wait, this must be one of Stiles' plans. Coach blew his whistle and tossed the ball to the first player in line, the player started running towards the goal but before he could even take the shot, Scott charged out of the goal, ran onto the field and slammed the player to the ground. He helped him up though but when he did, I noticed Scott bringing his head dangerously close to the other dude. Some people started giving me weird looks, knowing I'm related to that doorknob. 'Yes, I am the smart and normal twin.' I told them before turning my attention back to the field. Then it hit me, if this was Stiles' plan then it was actually pretty smart. I think I got it, in order for Scott to recognize the other werewolf, he would have to come close to that person to sniff him out, I don't really get why Stiles put him in goal really, the goalie normally stays in the goal so... Okay I take back what I said this plan sucks. Sorry babe. 'McCall! Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the goal!' Coach Finstock told my brother. Hey, that's what I thought. Scott ran back to his goal and coach tossed a ball to the next player, ugh it was that creep Matt who has his camera with him all the time. I don't like him, he's creepy. I placed my elbow on my leg and rested my head on his fist, I watched Scott take down Matt, some other kid I don't know, and Danny. After Danny coach got so frustrated he stormed into my direction. 'McCall! What the hell is wrong with your brother?' He asked me. 'Uh, he's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward, he's running out of clothes because I keep stealing them and if you look close enough his jawline is kind of uneven.' I just thought of that right on the spot. Wow, I'm good at improvising, I should be an actor! Coach looked back at my brother and back at me. 'That's interesting...' He muttered and walked back onto the field. I glanced at Stiles who gave me a questioning look, I shrugged saying it was fine, just the usual. He returned the shrug saying our usual wasn't fine, but weird. I grinned and popped a trace letting him know I like weird. He smiled and turned his attention back to lacrosse, I love these moments between me and Stiles. We have like full conversation without saying anything, not even Scott and I can do that. Okay a little, people actually came up to us and asked if we could read each other's minds. We tried that a lot, like we think of an animal and then see if it's the same. We mostly get that right, but that's just because we both love dogs. It's just a coincidence. Or maybe not who knows, I did know he was in trouble that night at the school. Agh god, I'm not a twin expert, I think even the best scientist can't perfectly understand twins. I focused on the lacrosse playing. Scott had taken down his next victim, his jersey had number 14 on it. Wait a minute, I know who that is. That's Isaac Lahey. He's a quiet kid and I'm pretty sure his father beats him. They were both in crouching position facing each other, I don't know why, but somehow I just knew Isaac was the other werewolf. Then my eye caught something else, or someone else. Sheriff Stilinski came walking onto the field with two deputies flanking him. 'Holy bananas...' I whispered slowly getting up from my seat. Everyone was busy watching Isaac talk to the police, coach was with them so...I made my way onto the field towards Stiles and Scott, Scott was busy listening to their conversation. 'His father is dead, they think he was murdered.' My brother told us. Wow, it seems like this kid never gets a break... 'Well do they think he's a suspect?' I asked watching Papa Stilinski take Isaac away. 'I'm not sure, why?' Scott asked. 'Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours.' Stiles replied. 'Like overnight?' Scott asked, I face palmed myself. 'During the full moon...' Stiles replied with a nod. Okay, this is okay. For every problem there is a solution, right? Okay so Isaac is a newbie werewolf, he has no control on a full moon. And he's possibly going to be stuck in a holding cell during a full moon. Okay. So all we really need to do is... Maybe we should... Okay we should just... Oh crap who am I kidding this problem has no solution. 'Okay, Stiles, babe, how good are holding cells at holding people?' I asked my boyfriend. 'People, good. Werewolves, probably not that good.' He replied. 'Guys remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?' Scott sighed. 'Yeah?'

'He does.'


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