Coming Out to Mercy, McCree, Junkrat, & Reinhardt as FTM Trans

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Very proud girlfriend

Wraps you in a hug and thanks you for telling her

As a doctor, she has some pretty good knowledge of the surgical procedures that come with being trans, should you choose to take that route

After some well-needed snuggling and simple chatter, offers to help you look into the procedures

Shares all that she knows about the procedures

Refers you to the best specialists

(She gets some decent deals, so those high bills are much easier to work with)

Desperately wants to take you shopping

She wants to you help you find some clothes that match who you are

Wants to make sure you're comfortable in your own skin at all costs


He just kinda

Breaks out into a grin after you're finished telling him

Picks you up in a hug (the picking up part is partially on accident; he's very excited for you) and tells you how proud he is

It takes a lot of strength to come out, after all

Helps you research the procedures

Makes the switch to your correct pronouns immediately

More masculine pet names

Tries to get you to go shopping where he gets his best country gear

Will march around and proudly pronounce you as his boyfriend if you're okay with it (if not, that's okay; he'll just tell you it a billion and a half times when y'all are hanging out at home instead)

On occasion will ask you how he's doing with making you comfortable

He wants to make sure he's doing everything okay

Also wants to make sure you're comfortable


It takes him a minute to get what you're saying

When he does he's very excited for you though

Picks you up in his arms and prances around the house (poorly) singing about his wonderful boyfriend

Lots of smooches too

It'll take him a bit of time to make the switch to the proper pronouns but he tries his best

Apologizes profusely when he messes up

Writes a list of masculine nicknames/pet names to replace the old ones

He'll have a few questions but for the most part he understands

He's just happy that you're happy too

Steals you only the best things for you to make you feel comfortable

Say hello to the dopest binders and tons of shirts and shorts

Lots of Hawaiian patterns and cargo shorts


Has lots of questions to ask to better understand

The first one is if he ever made you uncomfortable during the relationship (pronouns, nicknames, etc)

Followed by about a thousand apologies for doing so before you even answer

He tries his goddamned best

One of the first things he does after talking with you a bit is do more research on the subject

Surprises you with one of those super comfortable expensive binders not too long after your coming out

Helps you look into procedures and takes you to talk to some of his buddies in the medical field

He might might up a pronoun from time to time but only for the first couple weeks or so

Feels terrible every time he does so

You might have to reassure him that he's doing okay but he'll get the hang of it

May have suggested an armor chest plate as an 'armored binder' at one point

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