Random Pharah Headcanons

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Biromantic demisexual

Big, buff, and beautiful

Also hella tol

She's the best piggyback ride-giving height

I'm all for the MTF trans Fareeha headcanons, tbh; especially after I found this one about her and McCree transitioning together that I thought was hella cute

It's actually pretty tough for her to make new friends because she's pretty intimidating, even though she's one of the coolest and sweetest people ever (when you're not her enemy, that is)

The friends she's got are great though

She loves getting into competitions with the guys because she usually wins (arm wrestling with McCree, drinking with Torb, chess with Hanzo)

Everyone's good-humored about this (except McCree's totally a pouter)

Tbh, I just headcanon McCree and Pharah have this weird but great brother/sister relationship


Jack, Gabe, and Ana affect her taste in music greatly

Like she loves oldies(Jack) and Mexican/Spanish dance music(Gabe), while still keeping in touch with her own roots via instruments(Ana)

She's a flirt

She also outflirts McCree, who is unhappy with this as well

Soldier 76 and Reinhardt are father figures for her

Rein always challenges her to wrestling and finds it hilarious and amazing that she can easily kick his ass

This is all without their anyone's armor, btw

When she needs to chill, she hangs out with Mercy, whether it be helping Mercy for work by running errands or, like, just sitting together in a coffee shop and reading and chatting

Basically she's wonderful and amazing and basically a superhero and I love her

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