Newbie Mentions the Shimada Clan in Front of Blackwatch!Genji

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Blackwatch!Genji Shimada

You were a newer recruit and still weren't quite sure what the ropes were yet

Mercy was your guide around the base and decided that day would be introductions to the crew

This included some Blackwatch members as well

Mercy figured that, since you would be working with her along the medical lines, that Genji would be an acceptable acquaintance

She stepped out moments before you decided to open your big, fat, stupid mouth to try and make conversation with the Blackwatch member

Which meant, unfortunately for you, that you and Genji were alone

Which was fortunate for him because seconds after you uttered "Shimada clan," he had you pinned against the wall a few inches off the ground with a strong around your neck

"Why would you mention that name in front of me?" He was close to your face, growling.

You scrambled at the hand holding your throat.

"I-I-I d-didn't mean anything by it..! Y-your name... I heard things..! Genji, y-you're ch-choking me..!!"

Then you were dropped, and you fell to your knees while the cyborg man stood over you

His eyes were burning with anger but curiosity was also there

"What do you know?"

You were rubbing your bruising throat before you popped the collar of your uniform up to hide them

"N-not much.. Just that the brother who was supposed to take over disappeared."

... "When? Why?" How had he not caught wind of this information?

You made it to your feet and slipped out from between Genji and the wall, adjusting your uniform still. "What I know is what I said."

Whatever reply Genji had in mind was cut short when the pretty blonde medic Mercy reentered the room. "I'm so sorry! I had a message over the comms." She looked between the two of you with a clueless smile. "How's it going?"

For a moment, the Blackwatch member expected you to tell Mercy what he'd done.

You didn't.

"I think this job will be quite interesting. Should we continue the tour, Angela?"

"Of course, if you're ready to. Right this way."

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