I scan him over, surprised by the subtle changes college brought. Muscles and facial hair making him appear all grown up, which is silly since he's only 19 but, still, it's weird to see someone you've grown up with no longer look like a kid.

Once he's managed to stand back up, he gives me a hug, "Tell me all about Duke."

He laughs, "There's nothing much to talk about. I'm staying on top of my classes. I joined a frat."

Of course he did, RJ loves to party. Actually, he's the one who taught Gabe everything he knows. He pushes his hair back while he talks about his classes and I shriek, pulling his arm out to the side. "Is that a tattoo?"

He stops talking, momentarily covering his chest in shock before focusing on his arm. "Yeah, you like it?"

I pull his sleeve back to reveal a snake coiled around his upper bicep, the black ink a contrast to his tanned skin. "It's beautiful, did it hurt?"

He admires it with me before pulling his shirt back. "Not as much as my first one and thanks, Riley helped me pick it out."

Wait a second.

"You have another tattoo?" RJ's mother hated body art and now I'm learning he has two tattoos.

He winces, "That's a story for another time, Letty."

Sticking my tongue out, I roll my eyes, that's rude. He knows I'm intent on getting a tattoo one day, have been since I was 14. Our old neighbor got a tattoo when he was 16 and I got to watch, I've been hooked ever since.

I smirk, remembering the second part of his sentence. "And who's Riley?"

RJ digs his hands into his pocket, a dreamy smile appearing on his face. "A girl I met." And with that he goes into detail about her. She's 19, from Massachusetts and she loves baseball.

It's nice to hear him talk so passionately about someone. Right before he went off to college, his girlfriend of three years broke up with him. She claimed she didn't want to do distance but a week later she was caught hooking up with someone else. RJ was heartbroken.

"How does your Mom feel about her?"

"She's half Italian and Catholic so Mom loves her. She didn't even say anything about the tattoo once she found out Riley picked it out."

Sounds like this one's a family favorite then, his ex wasn't very popular in his house. Bella, his mom, even threw her out for being rude once or twice. A month.

"What about you, any guys in your life."

I snort. RJ hated Bennett, not that he was wrong to, he just happens to be very opinionated when it comes to my love life. In the 8th grade he even terrified Gabe and we were just friends.

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"The hickey on the side of your neck." I reach up in a panic before remembering its on my collarbone and currently hidden.

He's two seconds away from bursting with laughter so I punch his arm. I take back ever missing him.

"I'm sorry, you do realize Sage and I talk all the time. Plus, I can read the number on your back."

Stupid Sage and his stupid mouth, one day he's really going to get in trouble.

"Fine. His name is Ashton and we're not-"

"Dating." he finishes for me, "Yeah, I was told that's what you would say." He puts an arm back over my shoulder, "Oh, little Letty, so mature yet still so naive."

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