Unfaithful part 1

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Seungwan was a typical nerd who just want to study alone and enjoy wasting her time at the library to have some learning and such as gaining new incredible thing, she's not the type of woman who wants to join the circus of drunkard ass junk people who wants to go and have some of their temporary fun at the parties.

The atmosphere was all good and quiet, but then a certain brunette came crashing seungwan's little funtime. Seungwan murmured something and glared at the girl who was now walking towards her.

"there she go again..." seungwan said beneath her breathe she sigh and was now gathering her thing and about to go when a firm hand grasped her wrist tightly just to stop her from moving.

"and where do you think you are going?" Irene said and looked at seungwan who avoided her stares.

"Isn't obvious? I'm leaving." Seungwan said and pulled her hand away from joohyun's gripped making the other girl looked at her with those glaring eyes.

"tsk...No you are not going anywhere Son Seungwan that's an order." Irene said and preventing seungwan to go somewhere while she spread her arm making her unable to walk through.

Seungwan groaned as the girl's childishness strikes again.

"leave irene...now." seungwan said trying to walk through but irene didn't let her and hugged her.

"no you stay here with me." Irene said and whispered her words through her ears.

Seungwan keep on struggling so hard, from irene but the girl didn't even loosen her grip.

"why you keep on bothering me ms. Bae huh?" seungwan asked.

"hmmm, just bored that's it." Irene said and let seungwan go and make her sit on the chair right beside her.

She smiled but seungwan is still wearing her blank face.

Irene sighed and looked at the girl.

"look seungwan...can you just think about the party?" irene said and look at seungwan.

"no! I'm not going to go there." Seungwan said and fixed her eyeglasses.

"can you just go for me..." irene said.

"why should i?" seungwan asked and stare at joohyun's eyes.

' because I like you and I just want to celebrate my birthday with you.' Joohyun said to herself she wanted to say that to seungwan but she was afraid of being rejected by the younger girl so she just decided to be quiet.

"look, I really need to go okay...my decision is final I don't want go to that party." Seungwan said and leave irene dumbfounded, seungwan grabbed her thing and put it inside her bag one by one and put her bag on her shoulder and leave the library.

Irene was leave there while still looking at seungwan's back who doesn't even bother to take a glance on the girl or even looked back. She sigh to her self this is the nth times she has been rejected by seungwan. She keeps on bothering and pestering the girl since god knows when but still all her efforts always turned into waste.

"what should I do just to make her come to my party?" irene said to herself frustratedly.

On the other hand seungwan was now walking all the way to her home alone when she heard a loud growl of thunder making her startled a little as she looked at the sky she noticed a teardrops of the rain hits her glasses and fell down on her cheeks. She watch as the blue sky turned into a dark grey color which means the rain was about to drop any time soon.

"aish, the weather is being a bitch again. Why does it always rain when I always forgot to bring my umbrealla." She muttered beneath her breathe she decided to run through the waiting shed of their school and wait till the rain was stopped.

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