nine; acceptance

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suggested song: you and i - PVRIS
listen on repeat

"i'm gonna bounce, good luck." selena smirked as she walked out of the door.

"thanks." i rolled my eyes. when i turned back, he was gone.


he was scared, alone. mainly confused. the window was open, likely situation being he jumped out of it and ran.

"alright, ash. this is game you can't win." i said to myself. i half shifted, but i didn't feel the same as i did before. i was stronger.

i jumped from the window and ran after him. due to it being his first full moon, he didn't know his full potential, he was still practically human.

i also had control over him, he had to listen to me.

or else, it would be bad.


here we go again, me running after him. feels like a routine now.

only difference, this time i lost him; he couldn't have gotten far.

after a few minutes of looking down alleyways, i saw him sitting down an alleyway with his head on his knees.

i walked towards him, not changing my mood or form. "i wasn't lying." i said as i sat next to him.

"am i stuck like this forever?" he asked softly, sounding like he was holding back tears.

"look, ash, i can't tell you the answer as i don't know. from what i know, no." i sighed.

"great." he looked up at me, showing his bright green eyes, full of innocence. "your eyes are different. they're blue, not purple."

i nodded, "yep. i guess i'm your alpha now."

"so even if i'm supernatural, people can still tell me what to do?" he questioned.

i chuckled, "seems that way."

he shook his head and laughed slightly.

"come on, i guess i need to teach you how to control yourself. let's go to the park?"


"i can't do it!" he shouted, getting frustrated at everything.

i spoke calmly, "you can, just focus. just think about being an animal and you should shift."

he nodded and closed his eyes, you could hear the concentration due to how silent he was.

next minute, he was a panther.

"yes! you did it!" i exclaimed, happy at what my beta accomplished.

he smiled. he tried to speak but nothing came out, you can't talk when you're not human. only nod or shake your head.

"yeah, you'll get used to that." i sat down and tried to tell him how to turn back.

he kept growling and shaking his head, he couldn't shift back.

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