six; pain

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suggested song; daddy issues - the neighbourhood
listen on repeat

days had past since jacks father was here, jack hasn't left his room; in certain he hadn't shifted back yet.

i could him pace around his room and growl loudly. occasionally i'd hear something smash.

"jack?" i knocked on his door. "can you come eat please?"

there was no response.

"you need to eat jack. you haven't eaten in days. i'm... i'm really worried about you." i told him.

there was no response.

i knocked once more, "if you don't come out in five minutes, then i'm coming in." i told him and walked into the kitchen.

i made myself a coffee and then went back into my room to get dressed.

soon ten minutes had passed and he still didn't leave his room. "for god sake, jack." i said to myself, angrily.

i walked down the hallway to his bedroom door and stood outside for minute.

i heard him growling again, so i barged into his room!

"jack this is enough! you need to stop!" i exclaimed. i looked around the room and it was wrecked. wallpaper torn, holes in the wall, clothes everywhere. everything was a mess.

i sat on his bed and waited, he was eventually going to talk to me.

after about half an hour of just sitting, jack finally gave in and shifted back. he then sat down next to me on his bed.

his eyes were red and puffy, he looked tired.

"can you please eat?" i asked.

"what's the point?" he replied as he fell backwards onto his bed.

i rolled my eyes, "you'll make yourself sick."

"yeah but, no one truly cares; why am i even here? my family hates me. everyone's gone." he exclaimed.

"you have me." i smiled.

"because you're the only person that understands what i am. i'm not what i am, i'm who i am."

"i tell you that all the time, you know." i laughed.

"let's go for a run later, please?" he begged.

i shook my head, "we've not wolves. we can just go for runs like they do."

"we can. we just have to be more careful. i'll meet you at the park at ten later. i'm gonna go for a walk." he smiled and walked away.

"just please eat!" i shouted as he walked away, whether he heard me or not, i don't know.

i heard the front door slam, then realised i was home alone.

so, as per usual, i went on my laptop. i finally just gave up on hiding my identity and decided to make an twitter account.

My pain, my boy | E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now