seven; mistake

400 7 1

suggested song; high enough - k.flay
listen on repeat

jack still hadn't returned home, it was getting late - nearly ten.

i knew he wanted me to meet him at the park, but being gone all day? it's scary.

once it was 9:55, i decided to leave and go to the park. however, whilst walking, i heard howling. ethan did mention something about an attack.

i tried to call ethan. no answer.

i tried to call grayson. no answer.

i tried to call jack. no answer.

were all their phones not working?! when i heard more howling, i was walking quicker and quicker.

the park was empty and quiet, apart from the howls and growls. "this will be a huge mistake." i muttered to myself.

i shifted and ran through the park, getting closer and closer to the noises.

there was a wolf pack, bigger than ones i'd seen before. the alpha was huge, black glowing eyes; looked similar to ethan.

but ethan was there, surrounding the alpha and the other wolves just watched. did he have that much power?

next to a tree nearby, was grayson. he was just pacing around in a circle. distressed. scared. alone.

when he saw me looking at him, at first he starting growling. his eyes were ocean blue. i couldn't say why omegas were frowned upon, i honestly think it shows strength.

i shook my head and he then realised who i was. behind me was jack, creeping up on me.

he looked confused but so did i.

then came out a man, walking down the path not realising what was going on. a human. the human the wolves wanted.

when the black eyed alpha saw the man, he ran straight towards him. grayson jumped out from the tree and pinned him down, only to be pushed off him.

after i jumped out in front of the alpha. sure he was bigger and stronger than me but i wouldn't show my fear.

i growled viciously, jack stood by my side. but this alpha decided to half shift, meaning it's face was not human and they had claws, fangs - a 'teen wolf' shift, you know?

"you think that'll stop me." it spoke. it was a female alpha wolf. she had long, black hair, very tanned skin.

the human started running fast away from us, the alpha following then ethan slowly behind. he also half shift so he was quick and was strong.

"are you gonna help or what?!" ethan shouted as he ran.

the three of us did the same and ran after them, "you know, jack, we could've just had that overdue movie night?" i laughed as we ran.

"yeah, maybe tomorrow." he chuckled lightly.

"you know, if you shut up, we might be able to catch up!" gray shouted, clearly not amused by the situation.

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