Chapter 17: Say Yes

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     Nearly eleven days had passed, and Dominic was still forbidding me from leaving the white walls of the more homely infirmary he had placed me in later that same day I came to. This room was bigger, and an actual bed was provided for me, but it seemed so barren and lifeless. A single window provided an overlook of the circular maze he had led me through so many weeks ago. Besides that, there was nothing else to look at within the room. 

     Dominic had practically isolated me in the room. The only ones he allowed to see me were Orson, and Eleanor. However, Eleanor's visits had grown increasingly low as of late. I hadn't seen her in at least two full days. Corrine was never permitted to give me company, and Dominic seemed like the only one to be allowed to save me from loneliness. The first few days I was awake, Orson had been constantly by my side, never leaving the foot of my bed. Then he seemed to disappear as well. I assumed he had just decided to spend more time with Violet, but it was beginning to get slightly suspicious. 

     When I wasn't asleep, I was often staring out the window. It was the only thing that kept me from going insane from lack of interaction, and the lack of mobility. I was afraid to leave my bed for fear of Dominic finding out. He seemed to get genuinely annoyed with me when he discovered I so much as stuck a toe over the edge of my memory foam bed. He never yelled at me, but his beautiful blue eyes always appeared to darken, and he'd avoid my gaze with crossed arms. A silence would always ensue while I would guilty look away before he broke the silence and gave me a rant about how I never seem to listen to him, and how I'm not ready yet to be on my feet and moving around. Then he'd promptly kiss my forehead and turn away to leave me for hours on end with no more company the rest of the day. It made me feel like a child. 

     My speech had improved greatly over the time, however, and I could now properly carry on conversations. My throat still felt sore from time to time, but it was bearable. The incredible pain I'd felt in my chest nearly two weeks ago had also all but disappeared. The nasty bruise on my side from Aradella, as well as the ones around my neck, had also almost gone away. My side had turned a yellow color as opposed to the dark black, blue, and purple it originally was. My hunger had also been kept at bay since I awoke. I seemed to gain weight a lot easier, but I brushed that aside since I figured it was due to my lack of physical actions. 

     A quiet knock brought my head down from the clouds as my attention changed from the window to the door. Curiosity filled my gaze as I couldn't decipher who was on the other side. Dominic wouldn't have bothered to knock, Orson would have been frantically scratching, and Eleanor would have called out to me. The thought of it being Corrine crossed my mind, and a sudden joy filled my eyes.

     "Come in," I softly said with a smile. The smile was quickly wiped from my face as I recognized the slim figure in the doorway. An uncharacteristically worried expression was worn by the female who had attempted to kill me only about a month ago. Her red eyes were puffy as if she was close to tears, and her lips were trembling. Her tough facade seemed to have disappeared. A baggy, dark blue sweater sat lazily upon her shoulders, and the small trim of shorts poked out from beneath her sweater that was obviously too big for her. The nearly black hair that always seemed to be pulled back elegantly seemed haphazardly thrown up in a messy bun that hung around her slender face. No makeup resided on her face, and it brought out the hoops that were pierced through her eyebrows, as well as the stud in her lower lip. She almost seemed normal, but that didn't stop me from tensing.

     "My g-grandmother would like to see you," she shakily said, lowering her gaze down to her feet. I tilted my head at her, and she took a step inside the room. I sensed no malicious intent coming from her, and I seemed to be witnessing a different Aradella not clouded by the negative emotions that led to violence. A sad expression molded my face in return.

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