Chapter 8: Friendly Conversation

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"(Y/n)... Come on, sleepy head," was the first phrase I awoke to, accompanied by a soft shake of my shoulders from two hands that were so cold they seemed to pierce the clothes upon my arms. 

     Slowly opening an eye, I peeked out at the bright, smiling face of Corrine which caused me to internally groan and roll over onto my right side. I'd stayed up late into the early morning with Dominic, and a splitting headache was wracking my brain. What was it that Corrine gave me to drink last night?

     I remembered a deep maroon liquid swirling around in a silver chalice with a sweet, yet bitter taste. Dominic had drank some as well, interlocking our arms before we each took a large sip, our eyes sparkling nearly as brightly as the drinks in our hands. The taste had surprised me, nearly causing me to spit it back out, but I'd stomached it to appear stronger to my new friend for he'd been able to swallow his entire goblet full in one gulp. He'd laughed at the face I made before taking my chalice and setting it down beside the large bottle that read "Wine". Grabbing my hand, he'd led me once more to where he had set down the keyboard so we could continue our conversation.

     Within that time we'd spent together, I'd drank approximately four chalices full of the "wine". And with each glass, I remembered less and less. I think eventually I'd passed out, and that's probably how I'd ended up back in my bed. Only now, my head was killing me, and my stomach felt none the better.

     Trying to curl into a fetal position with the blanket I'd pulled over my head clenched tightly in my fists, the automaton yanked the blanket away and grasped my upper arms. She shook me slightly more forcefully than the first time, and I slowly opened my eyes once more. The brightness of the room caused me to squint, and the migraine in my head exploded with pain. Shaking my arms from her grip, I brought my hand to my forehead and gently rubbed my temple in an attempt to soothe my throbbing brain.  

     "Oh, I'm sorry! I knew I shouldn't have left the entire bottle. The Mistress is waiting for you so you can have lunch, but you need to get cleaned up first. A nice, warm shower ought to make you feel better, and I'll go get some medicine for your migraine," Corrine stated. She gently grabbed my hand with her cold robotic one and carefully helped me to my feet. I unsteadily hobbled towards a door beside the bed that I hadn't noticed before. The robot had at least been kind enough to leave the curtains closed, to which I was grateful. She opened the simplistic bathroom door as I grasped her arm for support so I could shakily pass. 

     My migraine was getting increasingly worse, and the white color scheme of the bathroom didn't help. Squinting my (e/c) orbs shut, I took several deep breaths in and out and attempted to steady myself. Opening them revealed the white blob I'd been able to see before as a more distinguishable bathroom. White tiles made the floor, and a turquoise, fuzzy rug was set in front of the glass doors that most likely led to the shower cubical. The porcelain toilet had a cyan-and-black marble lid, and the sink was made of the same stone. The light illuminating the room seemed to be on the highest possible setting, and my head started swimming once more.

     "Do you think you'd be alright if I left to find you some medi-" Corrine managed to get out before I darted from her side towards the toilet where I emptied the contents of my stomach. The motherly robot quickly came to my side and held my hair back as the disgusting liquid finally stopped spewing from my parted lips. My pale hand reached for the flusher as my other shakily wiped my lips. My forehead was obviously dripping with sweat when Corrine placed her cold, robotic hand over it. The texture of her 'skin' seemed to absorb the sweat as well as cool me down.

     "Oh, you poor thing. I should have warned you about the aftereffects of too much alcohol. You don't seem to hold it very well. I promise, I'll be right back with something to help you. Just stay right and try not to do anything too physical, okay?" Corrine asked. I meekly nodded as she helped me to my feet. Another cold sweat seemed to seep from my skin. Before the orangette had fully left the room, she sent me one last worried glance. I weakly shook my hand as a signal for her to go on, and slowly began undressing so I could take my shower. 

Programmed Love (Robot Apocalypse AU: Yandere x Mute Reader) Where stories live. Discover now