Chapter 14: Panic

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    "Are you almost ready, Miss?" Asked Corrine with a knock on my bathroom door. Looking at my appearance once more in the mirror, I gave myself a nod of satisfaction before opening the door to Corrine. Sending her a small smile, she seemed in approval of my outfit as well. She'd been sent a message earlier from Nic informing us that he'd be making a visit today. Immediately after hearing that, she'd ushered me to dress in one of my nicest outfits and prepare myself. I'd put on one of my few dresses since he'd always told me he thought dresses suited me.

     The one I'd chosen was a medium gray that stopped a little last mid thigh, but was also covered by black lace. The lace formed the sleeves as well as a three inch trim after the end of the grey. Embroidered Indian designs flowed across the chest and bottom. The dress was brought in at the waist by a deeper grey belt and fit very snuggly. I'd felt bad for ignoring Dominic's calls before, so I decided I'd try my hardest to make up for it. Reading the books I'd found in the basement had just been so time consuming, but I'd learned enough that I was confident I'd be able to make a robot of my own if I ever had the inclination. I was sure I could even reprogram Corrine if I found a reason to. 

     "You look amazing, Miss! We should get you some breakfast. The Master said he'd be here in a few hours, so we still have plenty of time," she informed me. Orson had been tailing me since I'd awoken this morning, and he'd waited patiently on the other side of the bathroom door for me to finish. He now pawed at my bare toes, and slightly ticked them. When I'd wiggled them in an attempt to get him to stop, he'd playfully attacked them and tried nibbling them. Shaking my head, I picked him up and held him to my chest, amazed at how big he'd gotten. He was no longer my itty bitty baby Orson. His size was enough to fill my entire arms, and he'd gotten quite heavy.

     "Oh dear, let me take him. We don't want him shedding all over your pretty dress, and we don't need you with a broken back, either," she told me, gently taking Orson from my grasp as if he weighed nothing. At times I imagined what it would be like to be a robot with infinite strength and stamina, but then I'd remember how Corrine was practically the only good robot who didn't use those things to their advantage and I'd brush the thought aside. 

     Without Orson to weigh me down any longer, we slowly made our way to the kitchen. I'd requested for Corrine to dust the place and clean it as best as she could to preoccupy her while I'd read the books about robots, but occasionally I'd came up and helped her as well, and now my plantation was looking rather spotless and shiny. The light brown walls of the hallway had a golden sheen do to the curtains being open to let in some natural light. We'd tried our best to cover up the musty smell, but there was still an undertone of it beneath the smell of dozens of flowers. Vases filled with the flowers that we found around the plantation yard littered the hallways and around every corner. I'd even considered going into the forest behind the plantation to search for flowers that I'd be able to plant in a section of the yard to start a garden.

     Everything was going perfectly, and I was excited to show it all to Dominic when he arrived. Over the course of the week, my extreme feeling of emptiness without him disappeared and I realised I really didn't need him around as much as I thought I did. I would be content with living here with only Orson and Corrine as company, and I was nearly certain I'd figured out what the key was for and how to use it. The only problem I found was figuring out where it needed to be placed, because the whereabouts of the power station that connected all the robots together as one was unknown to me and never once was mentioned in any of the books in the basement. 

     Of course, I hadn't mentioned it to Corrine, and I was fairly certain she knew nothing about the books located in the basement anyways. I didn't know how she'd react. I still couldn't entirely trust her with a secret so large. Over the week, we'd taken an hour out of every day to sit down together and 'chat' about whatever came to our minds. It was sort of a way to bond since we'd be together for such a long time. 

Programmed Love (Robot Apocalypse AU: Yandere x Mute Reader) Where stories live. Discover now