Chapter 3: Dangerous Rubble

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      A bright beam of light was what awakened me this time, as well as a wet tongue against my cheek. Slowly blinking my eyes open, the scenery finally registered. A threadbare curtain resided in front of a small window to the right of the bed. That was the cause of the luminescent glow in the room. Moving my face forwards revealed a small snout that connected to the body of Orson who continued to lick me. The small bear was surprisingly heavy as he was standing on my midsection because I was laying on my back. At the very least he was an amazing wake-up call. 

     Anyways, Orson's crushing weight was starting to make me slightly out of breath so I gently removed his little white-and-brown body from mine as he nibbled on my fingers. A tiny breath that could be called a chuckle left my lips as I sat up in the semi-comfortable bed. Stretching my arms over my head, I moved my legs so they were dangling over the edge of the mattress and surveyed the rest of the room.

      Last night had been too dark, and I had been to tired to notice what filled it. The wall itself was a light yellow, but tiny branches with green and blue birds decorated it all around. The bed I was laying on depicted a tree with various woodland creatures on the sheet, as well as the rug that rested beneath my dangling legs. A white, wooden dresser stood tall directly in front of the bed with a creature that was painted that reminded me of Orson's mother, but with brown fur. Even the lampshade that covered a light bulb above me displayed birds on tree branches. 

      Finally standing from the bed, I decided to walk towards the dresser to see if there was any luck of new clothes this time. Opening the large door on the right side revealed long dresses with forest-like patterns. The smaller drawers on the opposite side were filled with a women's undergarments as well as a few shirts in the same pattern as the dresses, and a few different colored leggings. 

     Somehow I had managed to find a few articles of clothing that were somewhat my style along with a new pair of underwear and a bra. I wasn't too worried with the color of those, but the outter clothes could prove difficult. For the leggings I had luckily been able to find a very dark brown, but the only long sleeved shirts were bright and would cause anything within a mile to notice me. 

      Releasing a huff of air,  I removed my old tattered clothes and pulled on the leggings. They were a tad bit big, but probably wouldn't cause that many issues down the line. However, none of the shirts I deemed worthy, so I replaced the old black, long sleeved shirt back onto my form. Taking the object I used to pull my hair back out of my hair, I attempted to comb through my incredibly messy (h/c) locks before pulling it back yet again. 

      Orson was starting to make a fuss about not having the ability to jump from the bed to the floor and kept giving me needy looks. Shaking my head at his antics, I picked him up before placing him on the floor to which he began madly sniffing my leggings. His cold, wet nose was beginning to make wet spots on them, so I had to move away from him as he followed close behind. 

      Coming to the white painted door, I opened it only to reveal a small child passed out on the ground. Memories from last night filled my mind as a sorrowful expression began to form on my visage. Bending down, I slipped my arms around her frail form before picking her up and moving her onto the bed.  Before I was able to completely retrieve my arms, her small, skinny ones reached out and grabbed the one closest to her. A weak smile appeared on my face as I gently pried my arm away and walked out. 

     'Dear little Hanna, I won't leave you, I promise. I'm just simply going out to find some food,' I mentally told her. Figuring I was only going to search around the house first, I found no need in bringing along my back pack. Hanna would have most definitely made sure this place was safe before she resided here. Since this girl had been raised a cannibal, I was almost certain she wouldn't recognize normal food so there was a possibility there was some in this humble home.

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