Chapter 11: Stars Above

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(Aradella's Pov) 

     "Just where did you go?" I questioned aloud. Dominic had disappeared from his play room earlier, and he left no clues as to where he was heading. It was unlike him to do such a thing without informing me first. Of course, I may have scared him a bit by my actions yesterday, but he just needed to get into his thick skull that I was all he needed. I'd have figured by now he'd have realised his love for me in return and we could put our sibling bonds aside. I just couldn't understand that boy who had stolen my heart.

     I'd kept my leisurely pace throughout the hallways, for there was no reason to freak out. There were only so many places he could be. He'd been in his lab for nearly the entire day, so perhaps he was hungry. That made the kitchen my next stop. It was still upsetting, however, that he didn't find it important to tell me. We could have had a snack together. As long as he hadn't invited (Y/n) along, all could be forgiven. That girl had quite quickly turned into the bane of my existence.

     My laced skirt waved around my legs as I gradually quickened my speed. The dress itself was rather skin tight, but I hoped that Dominic might notice. I'd been cursed with a flat body, and nearly straight hips, but that didn't stop me from trying. If Dominic didn't see other woman, he wouldn't have any comparisons. That was my main reason for shooing the female Arena winners away as quickly as possible. The black part of the dress stopped mid-thigh, but the lace covering waved out to reach the floor. I'd left my hair alone for the day, allowing part of it to hang over my right eye. I'd painted my lips a crimson red, and put one of my hoops through the right side. It felt right to look so dangerous. My aura itself was often enough to frighten anyone off, with the exception of (Y/n)

      Even in my mind, that name was uttered with poison. What made her so special? Dominic never paid so much attention to any of the other Arena girls. He often even brushed them aside quite bluntly after he got tired of flirting for as short as an hour. It'd been three days now, and he was showing no signs of tiring of her. To be frank, it was starting to worry me.

     "Oh, Nic~" I called out as I extravagantly threw open the kitchen doors. Only to my dismay, he was no where to be found within the room. The joyous smile on my face was wiped away at that realisation. It soon returned, however, at seeing the happy face of my grandmother sitting at the counter.

     "Ella! My dear baby girl, what are you up to?" Her warm voice asked. This was one of the few people on Earth that I could stand, and bond with.

     "Oh, Grandma! I was looking for Nic, but if you're in here all by yourself, I may take a break for a bit," I told her. She smiled in return, and I noticed the empty mug in her hands. "Would you like me to make you something, Grandma? I notice your cup is empty." 

     "Oh, you're such a dear. My silly mind is getting old. I came in her awhile ago to get some chai tea, but then I got to talking with that (h/c) lass and forgot about it," she explained with a twinkle in her fogging eyes. Forcing the smile to remain on my face, I took the cat shaped mug from her shaking hands. 

     "Oh, did you now? She's the latest-"

     "Arena winner, yes I know. She told me," Grandma cut me off.

     "She 'told' you?" I questioned with a raised brow and growing suspicion. If she'd been lying about being mute, I could relay that to Dominic, and he could realise how much of a lying enchantress she was. My hopes began to soar.

     "Well, she didn't necessarily tell me, but she nodded her head when I asked the question," and just like that, my hopes came crashing down. 

     "Oh," was all I muttered as I turned to make her the tea she requested. My mood dropped in an instant after that revelation.

     "Why so down, dearie? She seems like such a fine young lady. Maybe we could keep her aro-" just the first statement she said was enough to send me off on a rampage, and the second thing she tried to utter just made it worse.

Programmed Love (Robot Apocalypse AU: Yandere x Mute Reader) Where stories live. Discover now