Chapter 5: Suspicion Leads to Betrayal

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"Oh, (Y/n), you're just in time for supper!" Genni greeted me as I stepped into the smallish room. 

    The walk from the bathroom to the room Hanna and I landed in didn't last as long as it did to get to the bathroom. After the meeting with Renée, I had quickened my pace and arrived in the room sooner than expected. Although on the return journey, I couldn't shake the feeling of being observed. I wasn't able to determine whether I preferred the company of other humans, or being alone. 

     "You got lucky. Charlie was about ready to serve the food without you," Genni continued from her seated spot on the cement floor. 

     "Yeah. Then I would have went looking for your sorry ass," Charlie said, walking through another door with a tray of steaming food balanced on her forearm. Her natural glare skimmed over me before landing on a metal table that had been pushed into a corner. 

    "Language, Charlie! We have a child in our midst!" Genni said with wide-eyes, almost as if she couldn't believe the profanity that had slipped from the harsher womans lips. 

    "Do you think I give a damn about what that girl hears? She's lucky enough that we decided to take her in. If my way of speaking bothers her, she can find herself dealing with robots instead," Charlie replied with a swagger in her walk. I hadn't realised it before, but Charlie was quite short. Without her own boots, she couldn't have been taller than 5' 1".

    "It's really okay, Genni. I used to hear worse at my tribe. It doesn't bother me," Hanna piped in, most likely hoping to stop the fight before it started. 

    Genni's eyes softened as she looked back to Hanna who was seated on a small, wooden stool with an uncomfortable looking cushion at the table. This caused a curious look to settle on my features, because four chairs were seated at the table, yet Genni had chosen to sit on the cement floor. 

   "See? It doesn't bother her anyways. Now, (Y/n), come and have a seat. Don't just stand there and wait for the food to go cold. I'm sure you haven't had a hot meal for a while based on the looks of you," Charlie pointed out. Flashing a quick smile towards Charlie, I stepped around the lean form of Genni and towards the table. 

    Choosing to sit as close to Hanna as possible, I pulled out the foldable metal chair beside her and settled myself into it. A series of numbers and letters filled the top part of the chair, most likely the product number. Unlike Hanna's stool, there was no cushion to attempt to make my own seat comfortable. 

    "Good, now you wait there while I go fetch Renée," Charlie stated as she placed the tray down on the table with a 'thunk' as she wondered off and out of the room. 

    "So who's Renée?" Hanna's childish voice asked after Charlie had walked away. 

    "She's the one who allowed Charlie and I to take up refuge in this shelter. We don't know how long she's been here, and we don't ask. She was nice enough to let us stay, and that's all that matters. She's not much of a talker, but she provides us with food, water, and small comforts. Most of the time she's holed up in her room. That's the only place we aren't allowed in. Charlie threw a fit at first about it, and she's still ticked, but she got over it. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say," Genni's voice rang out. A small 'oh' was heard in reply from Hanna. 

   It answered a few of my questions as well, but my curiosity had not yet been fully quenched. I'd have to learn more later. The smell of the hot food had made my mouth begin to water. A few moments later, my stomach agreed. Trying to take my mind off the food before me, I motioned for Genni to join us. 

   "Oh, I don't sit at tables with everyone else..." Genni trailed off, the joy in her eyes slightly lessening.

   "Why not, Gen-Gen? I want you to sit by me!" Hanna whined. She was definitely still a child in many ways. 

Programmed Love (Robot Apocalypse AU: Yandere x Mute Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon