Chapter 4: Curious

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     The first sense to come back to me was my hearing. At first I could only make out a few murmurs, but the volume increased over the next few moments. Twitching my finger slightly to test my sense of touch, I was startled to realise my hand was being held between two small, soft ones. 

   "I still don't understand why you felt the need to actually shoot her, Charlie," the sweeter voice spoke. I slightly remembered it belonging to the caramel skinned woman, Genni. 

   "I had to see what her reaction would be. I've already told you this, and she didn't seem to process what was happening. It still baffles me as to why she made no noise, she didn't cry, she didn't plead for her life, nothing. There's something off about that, Genni," the more authorative voice replied. She was the one who held the gun, and the one with the piercing eyes that seemed unforgiving. 

    I felt as if I could open my own eyes now, but I decided against it since my interest was peaked. The pain from my back had finally dulled to a small throb thankfully, but a new ache filled its place. A sharper, more distinct pain was felt on the outer edge of my right ear. The feel was like fire, and I recognized it. The darker woman must not have been bluffing about shooting me. 

    "Maybe she was in too much shock at the moment," Genni tried reasoning, but something told me that Charlie wasn't one to listen to the voice of reason. Only instinct. I felt a certain respect for that. 

    "No, she was in shock when she passed out. That's her type of shock. She would have done so much sooner if she was merely startled. There's something deeper than what's lying on the surface," Charlie said in such a way that it sounded as if she was only speaking to herself. 

    My throat felt parched at the moment. I didn't know how long I had been out, but it must not have been terribly long since they still seemed on the subject of the shooting. One of the hands released my own and started moving hair away from my sweat-covered forehead. I hadn't realised before how warm it was down here. 

   "(Y/n).... Can you hear me?" The childish voice of Hanna asked. 

   "(Y/n)? Is that the girl's name, little one?" Genni tried to verify. 

   "Yes... At least that's what she told me," Hanna replied. 

   "So she's able to speak?" Came the deeper voice of Charlie. 

   "I don't think so... She was only able to communicate through writing," Hanna explained to the best of her ability. 

   "Ah, so she's a mute. That'd explain her lack of vocality from before," Charlie stated. Seemingly ignoring her statement, Hanna began stroking my forehead once more. 

   "Come on, (Y/n). Wake up. Orson's starting to get fidgety," Hanna informed me. Her grip on my hand seemed to tighten as she said that. 

   "Who's Orson?" Charlie asked, but received no answer from the greenette. 

   "I won't ask again, girl. I feel no sorrow in shooting you as well," came a darker response from Charlie. 

    "CHARLIE! Stop it! There's been enough bloodshed for one day, don't you think?" Genni said in a startlingly loud voice. 

    "There's never enough bloodshed when it comes to our safety, Genni. When will you realise that you can't be a good-two-shoes forever?" Charlie responded in an agitated tone. 

    "I know very well that I can't live all my life without getting my hands dirty, but that time won't come for awhile. So until then, I won't allow you to hurt that innocent girl. Nor will you harm the larger one any more than you already have," Genni said. She hardly knew us, yet she was sticking up for us. I guess there still are at least a few good people out in the world. 

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