Women: S/O Wanting to Run Away

Start from the beginning

She's more of the "drag you to every enemy's doorstep and you get to listen while she chews them out" type of girlfriend

Don't get me wrong; this is probably the scariest thing she can do

She's a marshmallow of woman most of the time and she does a lot of bottling up her own emotions

So boy is she gonna go all-out on these assholes who hurt you

And she may just bring her ice gun for intimidation purposes alone

Scary marshmallow woman

Then she takes you home for hot cocoa and cuddling while she basically coddles you

You can't leave, who would snuggle her then?


She likes kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, and she's all out of bubblegum

But really, she's going to look into places for you to stay and she's gonna get you out of whatever rough situation you're in for however long you need it

Literally rents an apartment for a few months just for you

In the meantime, time to kick ass

She checks in on you constantly

When she visits, it's constant teasing and storytelling and she cooks every meal

She gives you space if you want it though


She gets hella anxious about the situation

Are you seriously thinking of running away??

Nonononono let's not do this pleassseee

You might have to calm her down instead of the other way around

"Fareeha, it's not that big of a deal. I just need to get away for a while."

"Not that big of a deal? You're thinking of running away!"

She thinks it's partially her own fault for not taking care of you or being there for you enough

That's obviously not the case though

"So.. Are you leaving me as well then?"

"What? Absolutely not."

"Well if you're running away, it's from everything, isn't it?"

"It's from the bad things. You're definitely not a bad thing. You're an amazing thing."

The conversation somehow turns into you comforting her and explaining yourself to her

Then it somehow just turns to cuddling and talking about random things

This is much more pleasant than running away


She's not quite sure what the best response to this situation is

She suggests that it's not the best idea but she's not going to stop you if you're stubborn about it

If you are, she settles for designing you a house

Because if you're doing some sort of soul-searching journey, you're going to do it in the best damn house you've ever seen

You're not allowed to leave until she finishes it

She has you move in when it's mostly done to check things out

She's been staying there a lot lately herself

Oh, look, you're living together now

That wasn't the plan at all


She's gonna chase everyone who's ever hurt you down with her mech

Or so she says

Really, she's just gonna help you out

Did somebody say run away road trip to every Disney theme park in the world?

Because she did

It's happening

A couple days at each park, just the two of you, everything's on her

And she promises to do something similar every time you start to feel like life's getting to be a little much

Mini run aways


You're literally the only thing she cares about

Like, the only other thing she shows any genuine emotion towards is ballet

But, yeah, you actually make her feel something so she's not letting you go anywhere

She's literally just like, "Who do I have to kill"

She's not kidding

Like just give her a list and she'll bring bring you back a lock of hair from each of their heads if you ask her too

Then she'll make you a nice dinner and take you out dancing

The end

No one fucks with her s/o like


Cue therapist Mercy


"Excuse me?"

"No, you're not running away. We're going to sit down and talk and deal with this."

"Angela, we've already tried th–"

"No. Sit."

That's it, that's how it goes

Just no

Bad you

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