Chapter 20

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I jerk up the next morning due to FaceTime's loud ring. It's Elle. I feel like I haven't talked to her in forever.

"What happened to our agreement? I haven't spoken to you in days." She complains.

"I know and I'm sorry. LA is literally so crazy." I respond.

"Yeah, I mean, that's kind of what happens when you start dating an internet sensation who cheats on you." Elle says.

I have an upset look on my face, I guess.

"P, I'm sorry, it's just that-no, we're not dating. I don't even think he's dating Camila Lee. He's never mentioned anything about her. How did you know about it anyway?"I defend myself.

"The internet has been up your ass since you got here,' she says,' people really believe you and Ant are a thing."

"Well, we're not so don't worry about it." I reply.

It gets quite for a minute.

"Speaking of boys..." she says.

"What happened?" I brighten up.

"Y'know Brian?" She asks.

       "Spill the tea, sis!" I gasp.

      She tells me that he did break up with Amber. But how he did it is the best. He publicly humiliated Amber after Amber humiliated Elle. Then, he broke up with her. Amber's been a mess ever since.

"Told you it would happen. So, what's going on between you guys now?" I ask.

"We're going out for dinner tonight." She swoons.

This is literally the best for Elle. She's one of my best friends and seeing her this happy makes me ecstatic. I love her. She's been through so much and needs a guy who will treat her like the queen she truly is.

       Not long after, we hang up and I start my day. I go to the gym with Camila as usual.

"Good job today, P. You'll be where you want to be in no time if you keep it up." She assures me.

I don't respond. I'm too busy thinking about Anthony.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks.

I'm about to say something and then she speaks again.

"If this is about you feeling guilty about eating out yesterday, cheat days happen. They're okay as long as you don't have them constantly. With how you're working out, I mean, you're going to look good in no time." She smiles.

"What were you doing yesterday?" I ask.

"What do you mean? I was just enjoying a dinner." She responds.

"Yeah, it looks like you were enjoying something else too. What were you doing with Anthony?" I question.

"Obviously, he's really cute. I mean, every girl wants to be his girl. When you told me you guys weren't a thing, I figured it'd be cool for me to slide into the dm's. I said that I'm a huge fan of him and he said he's a huge fan of me. He suggested that we grab dinner together. He's so amazing. You guys are nothing more than friends, right?" Camila explains.

I'm upset. I don't even know why. It's not like I have a valid reason to be. Anthony and I are just friends. We'd never be anything more than that.

"No." I shake my head.

She hugs me, tells me that I did a good job today and heads out. After that, Celeste and I meet up for lunch. It seems like every time we hang out, it has to do with food.

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