Prologue: Rise of the Robots

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     The true Robotic War took place in the year 2574, but AI (artificial intelligence) awareness started long before that. The first scientist that was able to create an automaton with a higher level of awareness went by the name Atsushi Fujimoto. Not knowing the evil he had created, he released the information to the public. Soon after, the peaceful town of Takayama, Japan was flooded with tourists all there to see his seemingly harmless creation he had named Hajime.

       This took place in the year 2374, two hundred years before the start of the War. As time marched on, more androids were made. Every model began to look more human, as well as act more human. Some say the robots even began to have emotions. Humans themselves were able to purchase their own robots to act as maids, workers, or even companions. By the year 2483, almost every home throughout the entire world owned at least one self aware robot. 

      In those one hundred and nine years, Hajime had been learning more and more. With everything he learned, he sent the information to all of the robots littering the world. Over the years, robots had become increasingly hostile. They would often lash out at strangers, animals, and even their owners. This caused a wave of worry to sweep scientists across the globe. Debates would take place on whether to shut the robots down. To do this, they'd have to disconnect the source, Hajime. The robot had been passed down through generations and now rested in the hands of Carlisle Estis. Because it was a family heirloom, Carlisle turned down any offers from scientists when they came asking to disconnect Hajime. The tricky robot had woven a false tale of what would happen if all the robots were shut down, therefore making Carlisle believe what the robot so wished.

    The Human race had become lazy as all everyday tasks had been taken over by the automatons. There were no soldiers to fight for humanity, for specific robots had been made for that cause. Humans had no knowledge on the art of farming because there had been robots made for that purpose as well. Humanity became so reliant on machines, they had grown obese and naive of the world that surrounded them.

     By the year of the Robotic War, no one knew what to do as the mass genocide of humans broke out. Humans had no idea of how to revolt, nor did they know any way to survive. Only a few million people were able to take cover from the war, and even fewer survived. Over the years, humans were able to evolve for faster speeds as to outrun the rabid machines, they became stronger to give them a chance of escaping or fighting back, but with these acquired traits they also became less trusting. 

      Some of humanity had been captured by automatons and were forced to work as slaves to live. Many would be required to trick weary humans into coming with them so as to take fight in the Arena. This is what caused the distrust. No one could turn their back on another for fear of a robot lurking behind them. Humans began to grow the traits of born liars making it difficult to tell who was safe. 

     The Arena was born due to machines growing a dark humour. They took great pleasure in watching humans fight to the death. Often they would bet on the winner. The Human who won was promised freedom and would never have to worry about being in danger ever again. They would be able to live in one of the last few intact cities in peace. The downside, however, was if they ever had children they would be trained as a killer to fight in the games for the team that bet on the parent. 

      Scattered around the world were tribes of people who had managed to survive the Robotic War. There were the Ahtena, Atakapa, Comanche, Tonkawa, Houma, and a few smaller ones. To identify specific people of each group, they would be tattooed with the symbol of their people, often on the face. Most tribes don't accept outsiders for fear of spies and robots because most tribes live in seclusion and safety from the outside. Some tribal members will disobey strict rules and be exiled, often leading to their deaths. There are a few, however, that live on their own who never belonged to a tribe. 

      For hundreds of years after the Rise of the Robots, humanity has attempted to rebuild itself only to be crushed once again. All of humanity believes that the AI's are to blame. They think robots rose on their own and destroyed their creators, but the few people on the inside of the scheme know the truth.

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