Close to an end...

Start from the beginning

‘Yes?’ a woman’s voice answered the phone.

“Miss Linda I need to see you. It’s Abby.” I smiled at the phone as her sweet and kind voice rang inside my ears.

‘Oh my sweet child we are at the store.’ He sang.

“What but Andrew said? Never mind.” I trailed off.

‘Honey my son doesn’t know we are back and I hope he won’t find out. Okay? I’ll make us some coffee till you get here.’ She hang up the phone and I couldn’t help but laugh at myself for fearing this sweet and kind woman. After a few minutes I grabbed my purse and stormed out of the vehicle running towards the bookstore. Andrew’s father hugged me and motioned me in the back of the store.

“Liza is over there with Kimberly. And yes Abby I will keep this meeting a secret.” He smiled sadly and walked over to a new customer.

“Thank you.” I whispered knowing that he would be able to hear me unless his ears were some kind of a radar.

Walking my way towards them I stepped on my tip-toes to frighten up little Kim but her mother winked at me playfully and the little kid widened her pretty eyes at my sight and run as fast as she could; without falling on her face and hugged my knees making it extremely difficult for me to stand.

A riot of laughter escaped mine and Linda’s mouth as I pulled the kid on my arms to hug her tightly and kiss her forehead. My feet dragged me towards a sitting and tired Linda who smiled widely as I positioned little Kim on her lap.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” she smiled again and motioned the chair next to her. I took a seat and sighed hard, remembering the last events.

“I am okay.” I shrugged.

“I raised one child and now I am making my way towards the other one.” She pointed towards little Kim. “So don’t tell me you are okay little miss. Now I am listening. What’s wrong?” she said while twirling her index finger at me.

“Andrew almost got killed and I murdered my best friend. Well… ex-best friend.” I said in a weeping tone.

“Explain.” She came closer looking at me right in the eyes. Her blood-red ones were full of understanding and love, something I remember seeing in my mother’s face when I was a child.

“Andrew wanted my help. He wanted me to search inside me and find my lost powers due to an angel who thought that I wasn’t good enough to possess all those powers. But we didn’t know when and where my powers would return. So…he asked me to go at a warehouse were he had a prisoner. Information he said. Paul walked me through it and as we reached the ware house…I saw my ex-best friend chained. He was a wolf.

“I don’t know how he did that…but he stole all of my powers, broke my connection with Andrew and took my immortality leaving me with nothing but a mortal soul. I was at the hospital and when we returned home he was there waiting for us. To cut a long story short I disobeyed Andrew’s orders and jumped inside the room but my feet,  my whole being was frozen in place and I drove the wolf crazy making him lose control. His wolf took over…and attacked Andrew but when I saw him lying there with the wolf on his almost eating him alive I couldn’t do nothing else but murder him. And so I did.

“I grabbed Andrew’s sword and stabbed him deep inside reaching his heart. Linda I could feel his heart slowly dying! I have no powers now and I know that Lilith is coming for me and my loved ones. Andrew said he want let me go to the battle. But I won’t let that happen.” I cried out with the tears welling up my eyes threatening to flood my face.

“My sweet child…I know how you feel but there is nothing I can do-“

“I can!” Little Kim interrupted her mother who was starting to get irritated by her child’s invasion. She reached out her tiny arm and opened up her palm waiting for me to hold her hand. I dropped a frightened look at Linda who nodded her head reassuringly.

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