Trevor continued to rake the leaves again, taking his attention away from the party inside and focusing on his work.


That was it, Alucard had had enough. He couldn't take these people anymore. The Dhampir shuffled through the crowd of people, trying to get to the balcony that was just ahead of him. As soon as he got to the door, he inhaled deeply, finally getting some fresh air. He looked up at the night sky and exhaling, he sighed as he knew what he was going to do next. Reaching into an inside pocket of his tux, Alucard took out a cigarette.

This wasn't a habit or addiction he had, the blonde knew how to control himself. Sometimes he just needed a break, and besides, he couldn't die from this, he was immortal. When you're immortal, you can't get lung cancer. Alucard took a lighter from his pocket and flicked it open to spark a flame. He carefully lit the cigarette and put the lighter away.

While that was happening, Trevor had heard the sound of someone walking out onto the balcony but payed no attention to it. It was when he heard the sound of a lighter that he stopped and turned to look up. His eyes widened, that was Adrian Fahrenheit Tepeś. He had seen a painting of the blonde while cleaning inside the house once, but now he actually got a chance to see him in person. Trevor saw Alucard light the cigarette and was a bit confused.

The Dhampir put the cigarette to his mouth and inhaled deeply before opening his mouth as smoke came pouring out of it. It wasn't unattractive like a normal person would look smoking, it actually looked rather normal when someone who had his composure and grace did it. Maybe it was double standards, or maybe it was just the truth. Either way, the way the blonde rested his arm on the stone balcony as he looked out while the light from inside reflected perfectly off of him was rather attractive.

 Either way, the way the blonde rested his arm on the stone balcony as he looked out while the light from inside reflected perfectly off of him was rather attractive

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Trevor actually caught himself staring a bit too long as he noticed how his head was resting on his hand as he held up the rake to support himself.

Immediately after realizing this, Trevor blushed

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Immediately after realizing this, Trevor blushed. He didn't look away though but instead kept looking, not minding the blonde's beauty at all. Alucard inhaled and exhaled again from the cigarette when he felt eyes on him. He glanced to his right, not moving his head at all and immediately met eyes with the brunette in the garden. Trevor's eyes widened, he was caught.

Trevor looked away a moment after their eyes met and pretended to be raking even though all of the leaves were already in a pile. He heard Alucard chuckle above him, that couldn't be good. "Don't act like you weren't staring." He was still smiling as Trevor slowly turned to look at him in embarrassment.

"I don't blame you though, you look rather handsome as well." Alucard propped his head on one hand as he tapped his cigarette with the other, watching the ash fall to the ground. "Thanks..." Trevor muttered as he glanced away. Now he was really embarrassed.

Alucard smiled warmly, he straightened himself before leaving the balcony silently. Trevor thought that was the end of it, but a minute later he heard the door in front of him open. It was the Dhampir again, and Trevor noticed how his hair moved slowly in the breeze. "I'm sorry if I'm keeping you from your work." He apologized truly.

"No worries, I was about to leave actually." Trevor really had finished everything he was supposed to do. "You're probably wondering why I'm out here talking to you." Alucard chuckled before meeting the brunette's eyes again.

"I'm just sick of talking with rich people. I need to talk to someone with common sense for once." Alucard meant this as a compliment.

Trevor stifled a laugh, now this was interesting. "Please, I'm all ears. I've always wanted to know what it's like to live like that." He pointed up at the party.

After that little incident, the two met again the next day. After a few more of these meetings, even one where Alucard showed up at the restaurant after Trevor had finished his shift, the two quickly became friends. This little friendship though sparked into something else though. An unusual love. The son of a wealthy family with a common man who could barely pay his rent (Alucard soon changed that). The two were happy together though, and besides, it was rather adorable when one would occasionally give the other a rose.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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