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"We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we chose to act on, that's who we really are." ~Sirius Black

29th June 1980. That was when I was born. My mother named me after my late aunt, Jocelyn. She was killed by you-know-who after she refused to use the Cruciatus curse on a death eater that had rebelled. My mother always described my aunt someone with a lot of pride and very little regrets. However, she had one regret that would haunt her forever. Becoming a death eater.

On my 11th birthday I received some news that would change my life forever. My letter from Hogwarts. I was nervous. Nervous about getting from class to class, making new friends, the teachers, not having the right equipment, the list went on and on. But overall, I was terrified about what house I would be put into. My mother was a Gryffindor, my father a Slytherin. Both of which I wouldn't mind being put in but if I were to be put in Slytherin, the Dark Lord would be in easy contact with me which was the last thing I wanted.

I arrived at Kings Cross and met an awfully loud boy called Seamus Finnigan. I was sat by myself and he asked if I would like to come and sit with him in his carriage. I was hesitant at first but gave in as I had no friends. If I had never gone at sat with him that day then my godric would I have been a lonely bugger. Seamus has been my best friend from that day forward.

When we arrived at Hogwarts, I was put into Gryffindor which was a big surprise for me since my father and aunt were both Slytherins. But I guess they were both different to most Slytherins.

I shared a dorm with Hermione Granger and Parvati Patil. Both of which I got on with fairly well with. However, in the 4th year, me and Parvati had a huge argument which had impacted our friendship massively. To this day we are both awkward around each other.

Being in Gryffindor wasn't easy when it came to making friends with Slytherins. The Slytherins knew who I was and who my aunt was. At first they would scoff when I walked past and other pathetic things like that but now they've just forgotten I guess.

Most Slytherins are pigs if you ask me. Well, there is the odd one or two that will smile at you in the corridor or lend you a quill but other than that, bloody pigs! The biggest git of them all? Draco Malfoy. I've only spoken to him a few times in my 5 years at Hogwarts but I know for a fact that he is an arrogant git. Well, he's not as bad as Professor Snape or Professor Umbridge I guess. In a way I feel sorry for Malfoy, having both of his parents being death eaters and all. As well as you-know-who breathing down his neck 24/7. But overall, Draco Malfoy? Fowl. Can't stand him.

hiya ;) I know it's kind of short but it's my first book so take it easy on me :/ comment and vote xox

laterz 💛💛💛

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