December 8th, 2018 // 6:30 p.m.

4 1 0

So, I'm super pissed... My parents found my stash of prescription pills in my box... & they ask me,

 "Where did you get this? How did you get this? & why did you have it?"

Way to be concerned about me. Go parents. You guys win a Parents of the Year award!

I mean, I've been taking it since she passed away eight months ago, alternating weeks every now & then... But now I gotta resort to my other stash, which leads to me not walking straight, seeing some illusions, my head pounding; basically me being drunk by pills.

I don't want to feel anything, so what I take a pill or two of morphine sulfate? So what I take it in order to feel nothing but good inside? SO WHAT IF I TAKE IT TO OVERDOSE LATER ON JUST TO END IT ALL?! YOU WOULDN'T CARE AT ALL ANY WAYS! I BET YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BAT YOUR EYES TO MY DEATH OR FUNERAL, IF I EVEN HAVE ONE! This is why I'm ending myself.

Cannot wait. Except I have to figure out how I'll go out. Time seems to pass by quicker than normal... Oddly weird, but it's for the better. I'm getting called for dinner, but I don't want to see their disappointed faces at the dinner table. I don't want to hear them lecturing me about my depression & other issues that I have.

I don't want to see them. Period.

I'm done with it all. I don't want to live anymore. I just want to die on the spot.

But I can't be inpatient, nope... I cannot.

Cause if I do it on New Year's Eve, everyone that knew me & hears about the news, they won't just be celebrating New Year's... They'll also be celebrating & suffering about the loss of a person from their lives. God, I'll be so fucking happy. Having them crying & grieving instead of cheering & drinking makes me happy.

I'm high as fuck now. Ha, I can't even keep a stupid ass promise.

Also, my driver's permit came... the photo looks like I took a mugshot.

360 word count.

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