November 20th, 2018 // 12:08 a.m.

4 1 0

Thanksgiving is around the corner... We're having it at our house this time, now I gotta double lock & bolt my door shut so they don't snoop & find my shit. I have those locks for a reason. & I'm the only one with the keys to them, so HAHA, SUCKS TO BE YOU GUYS! Anyway, I'm just not going to eat, I guess...

Even though they're going to be making deviled eggs... I'm kinda upset. At least they'll save me some leftovers. I'll starve & I might as well help make the feast so they can finish early instead of having no sleep whatsoever. 

I'm getting some new clothes either the end of this week or next week, I'm getting my combat boots on Saturday, I'm writing & captioning some YouTube videos that I found that needs work...

So, I guess I'll be a bit productive over the Thanksgiving break.

This will be the end for this entry... It's a short one, I know.

But, there's not that much to write about anymore. My life seems to be sorting everything out just fine by itself.

Night, Journal.

Hey, Demons.

193 word count.

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