I push out the chair and walk to get the cane she’s been using. “What to eat in the cafeteria with me tonight? I already asked the nurse to not deliver your food for dinner.”

            “So I have no choice but to eat with you?”

            I chuckle. “I guess so.”

            She sighs as she swings her legs off the bed. I’m already to catch her if she falls, but I don’t help her up because I know she wants to do this by herself. She slowly pushes off the bed and I hand her the cane. Alison takes a few hesitant steps before gaining confidence. “Okay, I’m ready to go.”

            I nod, smiling at her. I wrap my arm around her waist just in case. We walk slowly down the hall. I see nurses giving me thumbs up or smiling at us. Alison doesn’t notice since she’s looking down at her feet, trying not to stumble and fall. The nurses have sure grown on me. Every time I arrive to see Alison I swear I make their day. Most don’t shy away in telling me they’re rooting for Alison and me.

            Once we reach the elevator, I hit the arrow down and wait. A light flashes on the down sigh before the elevator before it dings. We enter the elevator and Alison rests against the wall of the elevator.

            “Did I wear you out already?”

            Alison shakes her head. “No, I’m okay. My legs are starting to hurt though.”

            “We can go back to your room,” I suggest. “I can bring us food or we can go get your wheelchair.”

            “No. I have to push through the pain if I want to walk perfectly fine soon.”

            I’m always worrying about if she’s pushing her body too hard. When her dad did two weeks ago, she broke down. Now, she’s more determined than ever. I just hope her dad didn’t get into her head.

            When the door opens, Alison takes a step and my arm goes back around her waist. Nurses and guests crowd the main floor. There’s a flower shop across from the cafeteria, the smell overpowering the food. Alison lets out a sigh when we stop to get drinks. I grab two red food trays before joining her back by the beverages. I grab a Coke and Alison grabs a flavored water.

As I set both of our drinks on the two trays in my hands Alison asks, “Are you sure you can carry both?”

I nod. “Of course. Just promise you won’t fall on me.”

Alison smiles, a blush covering her cheeks. “I’ll try not to. I am a clumsy person so no promises.”

            Alison gets a burger and I get a piece of pizza. When I go to pay for it Alison makes a big deal of paying me back but I reassured her it’s alright. I carry the trays as Alison walks slowly beside me. I pick a table, set the trays down, and pull out Alison’s chair. She thanks me as she slowly sits down. Alison places her cane against the chair beside her. I sit across from Alison and take a drink of my Coke.

Dear Nate {Dear #1}Where stories live. Discover now