Chapter 2

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Weylun stepped through the portal and stood before the mountain home of Amya and Dimmons. They stood outside, starring at the portal Weylun had just stepped through. "I come with a warning." He said, his hands raised in surrender. Theo came forward, "What is your warning?" "They plan to attack before the year is up." Weylun told him. "Your source?" Gavin asked him. "Sympher." Weylun said, petting his beloved snake. Sympher was his most trusted and always relayed truthful information. "Why would you come to warn us?" Theo asked him. Weylun's eyes went to his brother who stood on the porch, in front of his mate. That was enough answer for Theo. He nodded, "I see."

"Limion is gathering the Gods who are on our side as we speak." Weylun said looking back to Theo. "I thought he was seeking Tyra?" Gavin asked, looking at Theo. Weylun nodded, "He was, but Astara has her in the palace, and by the time he got to them, they'll be here. It's best we train and prepare, instead of wasting time on a fool's errand. " They all agreed. "How long do we have?" "Six months." Weylun replied. 

Kenomi moved around his mate, "We have to find Alinia and warn her." "And how would we find her?" Brice asked him. "She's disappeared all thanks to that asshole." "I can find her." Weylun told them. "She carries my serpent mark, just give me a map." They lead him inside and Sinper gave him a map and he unrolled it. His hand began to glow and everyone looked down at the map. Feylun cursed after a moment when nothing appeared, "That's not a good sign." "What do you mean?" Kenomi asked him. "She has either found a way to remove my mark, hide herself from being found by any forms of magic, or she's dead." Weylun answered. "She isn't dead." Pyro said holding up her favor. "When she almost died when her mate exploded, it cracked. When she was better, it became whole again. If she was dead, it would've shattered." Varuss nodded, " So she's either rid herself of the mark or she's hid herself better than anticipated." Milo nodded, "Her magic is great, so it's possible." Their time line was just cut in half, and they have to push everything forward, even if they weren't ready. "Hopefully she'll sense the shift in the magic plane when they arrive and be ready for them." Gavin said and they all agreed. "Now we need to get to our army and prepare." Theo declared.

To cut their traveling time, Weylun opened a portal to the army camp for them to travel too. They couldn't waste a single second and needed to ensure they were ready as fast as possible.

Feylun laid on the pallet of hay and blankets in his and Kenomi's tent. "You haven't said a single thing since he arrived." Kenomi pointed out. Feylun sighed, "What do I say to the bastard who killed our oldest brother?" Kenomi laid on top of him, and Feylun placed his hands on his hips. "If memory serves me right, he did it because your brother Meylun, had gone insane due to the death of his mate." Meylun was the God of the Storms. His death was why storm seasons across the sea was so treacherous. Feylun closed his eyes as he remembered his brother's pain. No words had gotten through to him. He loved his mate, but she was mortal. Weylun was going to turn her into a Goddess as a mating gift to him, but she had been killed by some humans who had worshiped Meylun. They were jealous that she was his mate and not them. Meylun unleashed his wraith upon them for their crimes, but his anger and grief wouldn't let him stop there. He wiped out several towns and villages with his raging storms. Weylun and Feylun tried talking to him, but he wasn't listening. Weylun had taken matters into his own hands and killed him, ending his brother's pain.

"I think what Weylun did, was the best thing for your brother." Kenomi told him, making him open his eyes. "How so?" Feylun asked him. "If something happened to me and you were in Meylun's place, I wouldn't want you to continue living in pain and anger. With his death it let him be reunited with his mate. How can you hate him for ending your brother's pain?" Feylun studied his mate, letting his words roll through his mind. He cupped his cheek, "At first I never understood the love Meylun had for his mate, but then I met you. I would destroy the world if anything happened to you." Kenomi turned his head and kissed Feylun's palm. "And I know our friends wouldn't let either of us live through the pain your brother did and do what they could to end our suffering." Feylun closed his eyes, guilt filling him for hating his brother. He also forgave and thanked Weylun. The peace within him was like a wave that went through him. Suddenly a blinding light had Kenomi closing his eyes tightly. When the light was gone Feylun was no longer in a human form. Kenomi smiled down at his mate who's hair was no longer a dirty blonde color, but the color of starlight. His eyes held the galaxy in them. The God of the Moon and Stars has now returned.

Kenomi kissed him and Feylun returned his kiss with one filled with love and happiness.

Weylun could feel his brother's god form awaken and he couldn't help the small smile on his face as he ate the stew in front of him. "Three down, the rest to go." Dracin said when he felt Feylun's form awaken. Weylun nodded in agreement, "I feel bad for Kenomi. I don't think Feylun's going to let him come up for air." Dracin chuckled, "Probably not." "So tell me about the missing female from your group. Why isn't she here anymore?" Dracin's smile dropped, "Her and Limion were training, and he told her to quit holding back. She's always held back and only used her magic for defense. Well she decided to listen to him and go on the offense. She took Limion's magic, even his ability to shape-shift." Dracin explained. "Limion broke her heart when she saw he feared her. She shifted into a pixie and flew off. None of us know where she went." Weylun was speechless. He had never heard of someone having so much power. "She has a beautiful heart and would never use her magic for evil. Her whole life she was seen as a disgrace because she's a half breed, and all she's wanted was to be accepted." Weylun nodded, "I see." Dracin looked down, "We had judged her badly when we first met her, and she never once blamed us for it."

"You care a great deal for her." Weylun noted. Dracin nodded, "She's a good friend, who shares a similar pain as I." Weylun nodded, "Those tend to make the greatest of bonds." That they do, Dracin thought.

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