Kong VS Zilla

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Davis' ears were ringing as he knelt down with his eyes on the ground as the giant crocodile advanced on him and was ready to pounce and devour him when George came with him and Xena roaring out in anger.

"Get off him!"

Xena screamed as she threw the sharp end of her weapon she got out from the rubble and aimed it at the underside of the croc where it had no protection.

As it shrieked in pain from the sudden sting on it's belly, the croc reared back and Xena mentally fist pumped the air.

Davis turned to see George come back with Xena. He did not know whether to lecture the girl for coming back in a precarious situation on George's back as the gorilla faced the crocodile with a pound of his chest signalling a warning.

Xena hastily slid off of George and raced to her uncle with an unreadable expression "Save the lecture for later Uncle D. We've got a monster to kill" Uncle Davis shook his head before grinning weakly.

"You are just like your mother"

Xena smirked "When have I not exactly?" Dave returned her smile before they quickly dodged debris falling from the two giants battling for dominance.


Back with Kate and the others, Zyra managed to sneak away while Kate and Russel were busy contacting authorities and quickly got in a small Humvee.

"Ma'am what do you think you are doing?"

Zyra quickly turned to see the same soldier walking towards her with a stern look on his face "Saving the world and my family" Zyra answered with a quip.

"It's not safe for you to go inside the danger zone ma'am"

Zyra turned to start another round of yelling before car keys were dangling in front of her face.

"Unless you have supervision and some extra hands..."

Zyra gave him a once over before mumbling "Cheeky Bastard" and hopping in the truck.

"Get your butt in and I hope you have a strong stomach cause when I drive fast...it makes your stomach wanting to drop dead or so what my sister says"

It wasn't before the man closed the door did Zyra floored on it and headed straight for danger.


"Watch Out!"

Davis yelled, pulling Xena away from the falling debris the croc's tail had managed to hit. They two Okoyes were chasing after the two fighting giants while thinking of a plan to defeat the beast.

"Any ideas? Cause I am out of them"

Xena said as they ran underneath the croc's belly. It occurred to Xena that while the entire body of the croc from the top is as thick like an armour, the underside is not.

George screamed in pain when Lizzie managed to bite his arm and fell to the ground face down, wincing from the pain.

"Hold on George!"

Xena called out as she pulled out a sharp metal debris from a nearby shattered glass windowscreen, barely minding the glass digging into her palms as she threw the sharp metal like a spear under the mouth of Lizzie.

The croc roared and backed away from George at the small but sudden sting, giving enough time for Davis to throw his grenade belt to Lizzie's gills.

Both uncle and niece made a dive when the explosion happened and Lizzie fell down motionless. Xena jumped to George's side as he gave her a weak hoot.

"Thank all nature you're alive"

Xena breathed with relief. Davis continued to look at the motionless creature before he saw it's eyes open up.

"Oh come on!" Xena and George turned around to see Lizzie standing up with a growl "What's it take for this bitch to die?" Xena growled before she ran to where George lay.

"Wake up George! You have to get up. Zilla's not down yet!"

George struggled to get up as Lizzie let out a roar. Xena cursed as she scrambled to get away while Davis headed to a nearby half destroyed chopper laying in front of Lizzie.


"Ma'am this is dangerous!"

"I thought men like you live through danger!"

Zyra shouted as they zoomed left and right through the debris and into the heart of where this destruction started.

"There's George!"

Zyra said but then her face of joy turned into one of horror when she realized that he was being pummeled by the giant crocodile.

"No can do you reptile maniac. No one messes with my family!"

Zyra growled as she increased speed before she suddenly made a sharp turn when she noticed from the corner of her eye, Xena going to be crushed by a giant foot.

Xena's eyes stared at the foot raised right above her. One move and she was going to be splattered like a roach.

Well...I give everything to George when I die.


A scream made Xena turn around and saw Zyra speeding towards her with a determined look on her face. When did she get her?

Zyra swerved a perfect donut as she opened the back door and Xena jumped in before speeding away just as Lizzie slammed her foot down with a roar.

"When did you learn that?"

Xena groaned as she slowly sat up from her position in the back seat "Adrenaline Rush" Zyra answered simply.

Xena blinked when she saw a guy dressed in military suit with her sister.

"Um...who are you? Why do have this dude with you sis? Did I miss something? And where is Kate?"

"Calm down, Kate is fine and you didn't miss anything except for this guy squealing like a girl when we got here. I surpassed the driving speed. He is also here for supervision"

Xena glared at him "Seems like your doing fine all by yourself" Just then, they saw Davis shooting madly at Lizzie who had George pinned down.

"Let's go save our family"

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