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Lizzie roared as she turned her gaze away from George when she felt rows of bullets hitting her. Her rage was then turned to Davis who was angrily shooting down at her as she let go of George for the girls to see a large pole in the left side of his chest.

"George no!" 

Xena screamed as she got out of the truck. Zyra quickly turned to the soldier "Get in the driver's seat!" The soldier blinked at her "What?" Zyra wanted to really smack something right now with all the time slowly dwindling by the minute. If George would be down for the count then what hope does this city with a 100 feet tall mutated crocodile?!

"Get in the driver's seat and keep that thing in Davis' sight! We have buy some time for George!"

Zyra said sternly and left the man no room for arguments as she immediately got out and dashed after Xena who was already trying to pull the pole out of George's chest "Come on big guy! Don't sleep!" George let out a pained whine as Xena managed to pull it out...barely.

"This is not working" 

Zyra said as Xena turned to look at her "Any suggestions?" Zyra looked around for anything useful when George's gigantic hand enclosed itself on the pole and he began to painfully pull it out "We'll do it together" Zyra said when she scoured for anything to be used as a rope and tied the end of the pole as she and Xena pulled.

The pole began to slide itself off when they heard Lizzie roar and all heads turned to Davis and the soldier running away and into a building "One more George! Just one more tug!" George let out a pained yell as the pole came off and with no time to spare, with Lizzie clearly on the brink of devouring someone part of his family, George grabbed the pole stained with his blood and made a flying leap with the last of his strength.

Xena and Zyra screamed when they were suddenly flying and landing on something furry and coated with...blood "Ah Gross!" Xena spatted out the liquid in her mouth before wiping her tongue with her sleeve.

"Hold on!" Zyra shouted, gripping the fur tightly when she felt them descending. Her stomach hurled as she held back a vomit as George let out a final yell before she felt flesh being pierced by something sharp.

Xena released a breath when she felt George relax. She clambered up on George's shoulder to see Davis lying motionless on the ground "Uncle!" Davis snapped his head straight to see Xena with Zyra trailing behind her as the two scrambled towards him.

The three lay down together for what seemed like hours before Davis grinned own at the two of them "We did it" Zyra sighed "Thank goodness it's over" Xena turned her attention to George who was leaning on a building, lying motionless.



His vision was blurry and his whole body hurt as they littered with scars, wounds and bruises, the prominent one was the gaping hole in his chest but he was slowly recuperating. After the whole fight with Lizzie, it left him so tired to the point he had to rest for a bit.  

"George you overgrown monkey! I can't believe you would leave us like this! And seriously? Dying in the middle of the war zone with loved ones looking over at your dead body is kinda cliche in most bloody wars!" 

George opened his eyes slightly and saw Xena crying as she blew her nose onto Zyra's torn up shirt. Zyra tore that part off and glared at her with her eyes red rimmed. Davis had his head lowered as Kate walked up to him "I'm so sorry Davis" Davis didn't look at her but he responded.

"He saved my life" His words were hollow but they held meaning "You saved a lot of people's lives" Zyra turned to see families reuniting and and the injured being treated. Her gaze traveled to the man who helped an elderly couple find a spot in the ambulance.

Xena made a move to sit down in one of George's hands when sh suddenly felt hard ground "Ow!" She winced and all eyes turned on her before Davis looked up to see George slightly closing his eyes.

"Did I just see you close your eye?"

Davis asked with shock written on his face. Xena and Zyra turned to look up on George's face to see him move his mouth slightly along with is right right eye "I just saw you open your eye!" Davis stated sternly "What the bloody hell George!" Zyra shouted as George began to move to show them the middle finger.

Xena let out a huge sigh of relief "That is..the most impressive act you bastard!" Xena said as she grasped her chest to slow down her now rapid beating heart "Son Of A Bitch! Pretending to be dead at a time like this?!" Kate looked up at George with her mouth gaping open as well in shock.

"Oh. My. God" Russel let out a low chuckle as George went up and began signing "Couldn't help it. It was funny and all you cry!" Xena crossed her arms and huffed "I wasn't crying! I just got some dust in my eyes!" George let out a laugh at the obvious lie.

Remind me to never let him watch those chick flicks with Zyra.

"Its also not funny and I wasn't even crying, I wasn't crying okay? There's a lot of debris around here" Davis explained, using the excuse Xena used while Kate gave him a stunned look "Wait, is-is this like a thing between you guys?" Kate asked as she looked pointedly at both George and Davis.

"This is not a thing between us, it's a thing between Xena and him because they both have a twisted sense of humor which he learned from her"

Xena looked at Davis then at Kate before she realized she was being stared at "Don't you gang up on me!" Zyra gave her a look "Why deny it when you both always watch those movies with twisted endings, not to mention the damages you BOTH do when we three were all were little" Xena pouted and crossed her arms.

George looked at Kate curiously before he signed "You and her family?"  Davis blinked before responding "Yes, yes. I-I guess you could say that she's part of my troop I mean we're friends, right?" Kate gave him a look before nodding.


Davis looked back at George and signed back while speaking "Yes, we're friends" George let out a big smile before he made a motion with his hand that sent Zyra's hand straight into her face as she felt her cheeks burn bright red.

"OH!" Xena laughed at her uncle's stead right now who looked at George as if the gorilla had gone mad from the mutation "No dude! Come on have some class okay?" Davis said as Kate let out a chuckle while trying not to feel too embarrassed.

"I don't know what's gotten into him. Kate, I'm so sorry. George stop" Davis as George continued to laugh "Alright, alright guys let's go home" Kate said as she held up her hands, not wanting for the gorilla to embarrass her further and in front of the crowds of people coming through.

Davis winked as he fist pumped with George "Dude that was funny" Without looking back, Kate responded "I heard that" Davis cursed "Not like you did not want her to hear what you have to say" Zyra said as she walked alongside Kate. Davis gaped at Zyra.

"Thank you for saving the world"

"Yeah, thanks for calling off the air strike" 

Xena stopped and turned to Russel "What air strike? They were gonna blast George away?! They're lucky I'm not wherever they are" Zyra snorted from the front "I can see that, your annoyance level skills are pretty impressive" Xena gave her a small glare from behind.

"Like a wise cowboy once said, us assholes gotta stick together"

Davis laughed before he sighed "Well, how about we all help these people out and then find George here a new home" Davis suggested and Zyra and Xena let out words of agreement "Where are we gonna put him?" Kate asked as she looked back at Davis.

"Well I could tell you right now we're not gonna put him on a plane" 

All of them laughed as George let out hoots of laughter before he turned his attention into helping a few trapped citizens off a building "On the side note Uncle D" Xena suddenly spoke as all eyes turned to her.

"We got ourselves a gorilla bodyguard now we don't need to buy that guard dog in the add!"

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