Aggressive Nature

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It pained Xena and Zyra to see George inside a cage knowing how much he despises it.

"Its gonna be okay Big G. We won't let anything happen to you"

Zyra said, stroking George's fur while Xena had to take blood tests and samples to see what was the cause of her friend's super growth.

"Strange...I'm getting weird chemicals inside his body"

Xena mumbled as she adjusted the microscope in front of her "It almost looks like a mixture of animal blood samples but that's impossible" She muttered.

George made a strangled noise and Zyra patted him in the head before looking at her uncle talking to Nelson on the other side of the glass window pane.

Something's off.

Zyra thought as she watched Davis' face change to anger as he stomped out of the room with Nelson trailing behind him.

"Xexe, keep tabs on George will you? I have something I need to do" Zyra spoke and Xena nodded in response, her eyes not taking off the eyepiece.

"Don't take too long though"

Xena called out as Zyra walked out of the facility. Xena pursed her lips and gasped in shock when she saw the sudden change of the growth spurt in George's blood.

"Are you getting what I'm getting?"

Xena asked a few of her crewmates as they nodded in agreement "Its almost as if something is making George grow rapidly bigger -"


A loud bang from the gorilla in question made everyone jump as George began to aggressively bang on the bars, slowly bending them by the minute.

"Someone sedate him! Put him to sleep!"

Xena screamed as guards rushed in with their guns raised. George roared in anger and fright at the sight of so many guns that he barely noticed the dart gun was aimed at his neck.

"Sorry buddy..."


George woke up moments later to find himself in a bigger cell with a lot of humans in white coats.

He frantically looked around for any familiar faces or his family when Xena burst through the door with a frustrated look on her face followed by Zyra.

"These results don't make any sense"

Xena swore while Zyra ran a hand through her hair. George let out and hoot and Xena shot him a soft look.

"Hey Big G, Sister Apes got a little bit of a problem"

George whimpered and Zyra grimaced before turning to her sister "We have someone who might know what the heck is going on with George" Xena swiftly turned arpund and shook her head.

"The last time we send someone near George, he ran away screaming Bloody Murder"

Zyra rolled her eyes. That was two years ago and George was still adjusting to the change we had to give him.

Xena saw the irritated look on her sister's fave and sighed "Why exactly are we needing this person to come inside?" Zyra blew a raspberry.

"Because she can find a cure. She says she knows the people who made that thing that made George into what he is now"

Xena nd Zyra looked at George who gave them fearful looks. Xena pinched the bridge of her nose "Fine, but if she causes George any harm OR any ounce if threat. I'm kicking her out" Zyra shrugged.

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