Rampage Rampage!

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"Do you even know how to drive a car?"

Zyra asked Xena who casually held the wheel and twisted the keys as the engine began to roar to life "No worries Zy, let me do the driving" Zyra crossed her arms before buckling her seatbelt.

"That's what I'm afraid of"

Xena grinned before pushing her foot on the gas pedal and Zyra had to grip tightly the handle of the car and ease up her breathing as they zoomed through the highway.

"Did you left Aunt Milly a note?"

Zyra asked breathlessly as she stared dead on the road while Xena glanced at her sister from time to time.


Zyra looked at her in question "What does that mean?" Xena merely shrugged in reply.

"I either gave her or something else"


Aunt Milly had gone downstairs to grab a glass of water and to prepare an early breakfast for the kids.

"Children! Time for you to come down!"

No answer.

Confused, Aunt Milly went up to find their rooms clean of everything and they were gone. Aunt Milly went still for a moment before scoffing and waved it away

"Figures, when you're an Okoye, you always like to be in the heat of the battle"

A small smile filtered it's way to her face "You two act just like your mother"


The City was in shambles and not just in shambles in a messy way but in full blown destruction as people pass by at the front, at the sides and the back of their car, sometimes going over them in a frenzy.

"What the hell?! Move people!"

Xena kept on screaming through the traffic and Zyra kept on scanning around looking for George when they felt the ground shake.

"Now what is going on?"

Zyra mumbled in annoyance before Xena gapingly pointed to the waters below to see something big parting the surface of the waters.

People scrambled away from the ledges as the snout of a crocodile burst forth and the animal let lose a loud and terrifying roar.

"Never in my life did I want to meet Godzilla in person..."

Xena grinned as Zyra immediately shoved her sister aside and booked it before the croc had any ideas of devouring the car.

"Sis get real this time. That is an alligator!"

"With the body structure of a fictional monster movie! Let me take a picture first for this momentum that I had finally reached my dream of bringing Godzilla to life!"

Zyra blinked as Xena poked half her body out and took at least 2 pictures before going back in "Is this why you always bought all different kinds of lizards in the PET SHOP?!" Xena shrugged in response.

"Could be...now let's see.."

Searching through her bag, Xena found a telescope before scanning the area "Where are you uncle?" Zyra squinted her eyes when she saw a building about to topple over.

"I think I found them!"

Zyra said as she pointed to a helicopter with Davis and Kate trying desperately for it to fly and their Brother Ape trying to grab the already half destroyed copter.

"Oh...! Now it's going king kong except I don't remember the building toppling right above us"

"Well hold on to your seats cause we are driving through it!"

Xena felt her breath knocked out of her windpipe as Zyra maneuvered the car with a little bit of uneasiness as the building continued to collapse.

Dust collected at the windows, making it hard for Zyra to see and Xena to spot for either her uncle or George.

A shadowy large figure was suddenly above them and Xena had a minute to give a sharp gasp before Zyra broke the pedal and zipped away before George came toppling down right exactly where the girls should have been.

"Oh My God! Brother Ape!"

Xena flung the door open and Zyra coughed when she got a lung full of dust before following her sister that was already scrambling to the still form of George.

Among the rubble, Davis and Kate emerged, coughing and looking around wildly in confusion before Davis' gaze landed on an unconscious George and his two nieces.

"What are you two doing here?!"

"Save the lecture for later...what happened to George?!"

Xena asked she scanned George's form for any injuries. Kate shook her head and began to explain what had happened.

"George ate a human?!"

"Since when was our sweet and innocent giant white brother ape we took care and share baths with became a carnivore?!"

Xena screamed after Kate finished explaining. Zyra opened her mouth to answer "Chimpanzees and their bonobo cousins are known to hunt and eat other mammals, including monkeys. Plus, most herbivores can digest meat quite well. If gorillas can eat meat" Xena glared down at Zyra.

"We don't need logic right now!"

A low groan coming from up above them made their eyes swivel towards an already waking George. Davis placed himself in front of us as he hesitantly called out.

"George...? You okay?"

A weak respond from the gorilla in question made them all relax "Thank God..." Xena said before rushing to hug the white behemoth.

"Good to have you back buddy"

Zyra said before Kate turned to Davis when she saw the military already heading it's way here "So what's the plan?" Davis turned to Kate.

"I want you to take this Humvee and find a sat phone. And get a hold of Russell. He's our only shot at calling off this airstrike"

"Then we let him know there's still military personnel and civilians on the ground. Kate I am coming with you no questions asked"

"George and I will handle the other two"

Davis said as he pointed to the remaining rampaging animals loose "I am helping you with that uncle. No way am I sitting on the sidelines and you can't make me" Davis sighed before nodding.

Kate and Zyra quickly headed down the pile of rubble before Kate called out.



"Try not to get you and your niece killed, okay?"

Davis smiled for a moment and nodded before Zyra called out "Alright you two we need to get going" Zyra pulled Kate along as Davis turned to see George already standing up.

"All right, George. We gotta stop these things before they destroy the city"

George gave Davis a weary look before Xena added "Hey George, remember King Kong?" George nodded before pounding his chest. Xena grinned before she and her uncle turned to the destruction in front of them.

"That's right, let's kick some ass!"

It wasn't long before Ralph the wolf made an appearance and when he pounced on the three, Xena let out a scream of surprise.

"Oh Shit!"

George acted quickly and threw the wolf away only for the bastard to glide through the air and landed gracefully in front of them.

"Of course the wolf flies..."

Davis muttered bitterly.

"Where's the logic in that?!"

Rampage: Brother ApeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang