Prepare for Battle

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It was unusual for the girls to see their uncle being so open with another female.

Then again, they both knew uncle Davis never had a date in his single life. The last date he had was spending time in the sanctuary eating bananas with a female monkey.

"I have the slightest feeling that something is going on between them"

Xena said and Zyra scoffed at her reply as if what she said was out of the ordinary "There is nothing going on between them and let's not forget she lied to us" Zyra said, casting a distrustful look to Kate.

Fun fact on Zyra: When a person loses her trust, it's hard for her to trust that person again.

"Yeah...but I still ship them"

"Are you even hearing yourself?!"

"That is the purpose of the ears"

Xena said flatly and Zyra breathed deeply before letting out a huge sigh and a cough from the smoke emitting from the plane.

"Whatever the case, I am betting that Uncle D will have her as his new girlfriend"

Zyra groaned and shook her head before turning to Russel who was looking around the remaining debris on the ship.

"Alright old man what's gonna happen now?"

Russel raised hands up in exasperation "Well, what's the plan Uncle D?" Davis turned to his two nieces and simply answered.

"You two are going to go where everything is safe. Like Aunt Milly's place"

Zyra blinked and Xena opened her mouth to protest "Uncle D, we aren't children anymore and we faced even weirder occurrences than this" Davis gave Xena a look.

"You only saw these kinds of things in MOVIES champ. This is the real deal" Xena scowled and crossed her arms "So jumping from a plane in an act of survival is not real? Uncle D the world isn't going to have to rely on one hero. Sometimes you have to trust your family to help" Zyra and the rest were beginning see what was going on and slowly began to back away.

"You really act like your mother..."

Davis mumbled with irritation. All he wanted was to keep the remaining family he has safe.

"That's because I popped out of her womb! I am not going to sit around doing what a frightened teenage bitch would do. George is part of the family and the military are after him!"

"Which is why I am keeping the two of you safe! The last thing I need right now is to watch wherever the heck you both are because you always scramble around the crowd and that's what makes me nervous!"

Xena opened her mouth to retort again when Zyra grasped her shoulder "Alright Uncle D, we'll listen this time" Xena wondered if her sister had just gone nuts because she was the one never to back down a challenge.


"Oh don't ypu worry about a thing Davis. I'll keep the girls safe"

Xena didn't bother to say goodbye to Uncle Davis as he and the others drove away, leaving Xena and Zyra alone with Aunt Milly.

"You girls alright?"

Zyra turned to see Aunt Milly looking at Xena worriedly and quickly came up with an excuse "She's fine, she's just tired with all that's been happening" Xena huffed in response before going off to the living room.

"Well then, I'll get you two some snacks"

Aunt Milly said before disappearing behind the kitchen door. Zyra approached Xena with a concerned look on her face.

"You okay Xexe?"

Xena scoffed "So now you care when George is out there being hunted down like he is some sort" Zyra breathed deeply as she clenched her fists before answering.

"I am your sister Xexe and I have to think rationally first before jumping into rabbit hole"

"This isn't wonderland!"

Zyra waved her away "And even if we did come. I doubt the military would even let two teenage kids fresh from college and started off an early work would go rampaging around already two rampant animals" Xena huffed before turning on the channel.

Only for her to turn the volume louder when they saw George and Lizzy the wolf running rampant and heading towards the city.

"Local authorities are immediately evacuating the city judging from how close those animals are, it simply would not be enough and the Military would be advised to take action"

"Shit No Bitch!"

Xena screamed as she threw the controller on the pixeled face of the news reporter. Aunt Milly called out from the kitchen "Language Xena! Seriously, what in the world is going on with teenagers these days?" Zyra breathed deeply in and out before looking at the sun that was already beginning to set.

Looking around to make sure Aunt Milly wasn't even looking from the kitchen door, she hastily grabbed a random bag and began tossing materials she needed: A pocket knife, bandages, a few candies and an extra pair of clothes.

"What the heck are you doing?" Xena asked as she eyed her sister warily "Getting ready for out stakeout tonight" Xena blinked in shock at what her sister had just said.

"But I thought you said -"

"Think rationally before entering re rabbit hole. I know Uncle Davis wouldn't even let us get near in the fight so I figured if he thinks that we are "safe" in Aunt Milly's house. We can sneak out of here and find George and uncle to the city"

Xena glanced at her sister and grinned "I knew you weren't going to leave George behind!" Zyra cocked her head to the side "Why would I do that? He's part of the family and no one messes with the Okoyes" Xena fist bumped in the air before following after her sister.

"Where did you even get a pocket knife?"

"Might have stolen it from your room and had it ever since we got to college"

Xena smiled as she zoned out "Ah...the days when the boys would come running after you only to run away whenever your "crazy sister" is with you" Zyra smacked her lightly in the head.

"Whose crazy enough to bring a king cobra in the animal exhibition?"

"Sneaky didn't even bite anyone there! He was perfectly harmless!"

"There was a reason we named him Sneaky Xexe, you scared almost half of the class and the staff members when you let it out"

Xena shrugged her shoulder in a no nonsense fashion way "What can you say..."Animals get to me", the famous words of our Uncle" Zyra nodded in agreement.

"I never even wondered why Sneaky's pen almost seems as of it was deserted every time someone checks up on him..."



Rampage: Brother ApeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon