The Ape Sanctuary

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"Normal Text" - Speaking and signing

"Italicized Text" - Sign language

Years Later...

Xena ran across the dense trees and bushes in her work clothes as a veterinarian and her heart pounded in her chest as rustling could be heard just a few feet behind her.

How the bloody hell did I get into this mess?

Xena mused before she skidded to a halt as she found herself in a small clearing and stopped, her body tensed as she surveyed the area and frowned. The noises stopped altogether and the only sounds she could hear was the birds occasionally chirping and her own breathing.

I guess they decided to give -


Xena gave a startled scream just as a flash of white and landed on her back to the ground. She watched as the albino gorilla gave a loud scream and pounded his chest before landing his clenched fists centimeters away from her on each side.

Xena closed her eyes and looked away just as the gorilla roared near her face. Everything went silent for a moment before the gorilla gave a hearty hoot for a laugh and Xena released a breath she hadn't noticed she had been holding.

"Some point Brother Ape, you are going to make me piss myself"

Xena mused as George moved away from her so that Xena moved to a sitting position. Zyra, now a natural zoologist, appeared with a smug look on her face "This is the 5th time he caught you stealing his favorite fruit. New record George, I'm so proud"
Zyra spoke while signing and George hooted in reply while signing "Sister terrible in stealing" Xena gave him an offending glare.

"Now that is really offensive" Xena said and signed before Zyra spoke "Let's go see Uncle D, he said he was showing a the new recruits around the ape sanctuary" Xena beamed "That's a great idea. Let's give the students a scare brother ape" Zyra's eyes widen but before she could even stop those two, Xena had already hopped on George and the said gorilla was already bounding away in the bushes.

Those two are gonna give me an early grave sooner or later in the Office.


Xena and George quietly made their way towards Davis who was busy dealing with an enraged gorilla. Xena noticed the now tense man behind Uncle Davis and she had to find this scene funny.

"Brother Ape, aim for that guy that looked like he is about to piss in his pants" 

Xena quietly signed and slowly slid off. George gave a grin before slowly emerging from the trees looking high and mighty. Xena smiled "That ape is going to make any ape girl fall for him" She watched in amusement as Davis tried to calm both the ape and a terrified student before the man quickly made a mad dash.

"Now brother!"

Xena whispered loud enough for George to hear and Xena had to hold back a laugh as George "aggressively" pushes the gorilla male away and Xena had to laugh at the weak fatal position the guy made in an effort to protect himself from George.

 Davis quickly jumped in between George and the terrified man and Xena giggled as Davis tried to calm George down. George stood up and pounded his chest heavily before it slowed to a stop and George was left in a laughing hoot.

Xena couldn't hold it any longer, she belted out a laugh that made the birds resting near her fly away.  

"That was so rich! I think he peed in his pants Brother Ape!"

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