A BIG Problem

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All thoughts went racing to the Okoye family as Davis drove like a madman in the streets just to get to the sanctuary.

"Why is this going so slow?!"

Xena finally yelled when they were caught up in another Traffic Jam. Davis growled as he tightened his grip before speeding away when everything began to move.

Once they reached the Sanctuary, Davis wasn't even finished parking the car before Xena hopped out and dashed to the entrance doors where a panickes Nelson was pacing back and forth.


Xena screamed, stopping the man from pacing any further. Zyra and Davis entered the lobby moments later and Zyra had half a mind to lecture Xena about car safety.

But now was not the time.

"I got your message about George is everything okay?" Davis asked while Nelson shrugged his shoulders "I don't know" Xena grasped him by the arm "What do you mean you don't know" Zyra pulled back her sister to give room to Nelson as they briskly walked.

"I don't know what happened to him but he's in the grizzly enclosure..." Nelson said and Davis and the girls stopped in their tracks "Nel are you kidding me?! Bears are predators and leaving George there could -" Nelson held up his hand.

"Before you can start to get mad, let me show you"

Nelson said as he walked pass by the family. Grabbing a gun, he and the Okoye familywent to the grizzly enclosure. Pushing the metal door open, Zyra and Xena went in first and the girls noted on how quiet the enclosure is.

"Where are - Oh My God!"

Zyra gasped when she came across a dead bear carcass "Bears are one of the most dangerous predators here, who could have done this?" Zyra asked herself. Xena pinched her nose from the smell and Davis breathed deeply "Jesus..." Davis muttered under his breath before a low growl came from a small cave made out of rock formations.

Nelson quickly aimed his gun at that direction and Davis saw a glimpse of white fur sticking out and Zyra hesitantly called out "George?" An answering growl came and without turning around, davis spoke to Nelson "Put it down" Nelson looked at Davis as if he had lost it "What?" Xena turned to Nelson and placed an arm on the gun.

"You know how he feels around gun. Put it down Nel, he's just...scared" Nelson bit the inside of his lip before turning to Davis again "Are you sure" Davis nodded, keeping his eyes on George "Put it down, we're gonna talk to him" Nelson lowered the gun as Davis and the girls walked slowly towards George.


A loud and terrified hoot came and Davis quickly signed to him calmly "Hey it's okay, it's me and the girls. It's me and the girls..." Davis kept on repeating in an effort to calm the gorilla down. Xena paled at the sight of blood and what appeared to be three gashes on his chest.

"Big brother what happened to you?"

Xena asked softly as she crouched down to make sure that George didn't see her as a threat. George frowned and signed "George sad, did something bad" Davis frowned "George sad? it's okay" Zyra turned to the dead bear and back at George.

"You hurt him?"

George looked like he was about to cry as he signed "Bother ape is sorry" Davis made a calm motion with his hands "Its okay..." Xena was still eyeing the gash marks before she asked.

"He hurt you?"

George looked at Xena with a scared look that the girl had to resist running to him and give him a hug. An sudden movements could make George react violently out of fear.

"Big brother scared of furry beast. Hurt me"

"You're scared...its okay"

Davis kept on repeating the motion until George crawled out of the mini cave and into the open did they realize how tall and big he had gotten.

Davis instinctively placed himself in front of Xena and Zyra and George looked at them with fear when he saw that they were scared of him.

"Is it me or is he just considerably bigger?"

Nelson asked and Davis dropped his arms in shock and Xena answered for her stunned uncle.

"No...he's definitely bigger. When did he get this big?"

A small whizz of a radio turned our attention to Nelson's walkie talkie strapped on his belt as Connor's voice resonated from the radio "Guys, we found something in the human enclosure" Davis and Nelson locked eyes with each other while Zyra and Xena nodded.

"George, Sister Ape and Big Sister Ape are going to come back okay?" Xena said softly and George hooted before he retreated back to the cave.


Zyra noted the burnt scorch marks on the bamboos and the bamboos that were literally destroyed along the way and the smell of something burnt, making her conclude that whatever caused this wasn't too long ago. Nelson eyed the burnt and scorch marks with wonder and a little bit of fear.

"What the hell happened here?"

Nelson asked and Xena shrugged for an answer "It looked like someone had a heated temper tantrum" Zyra shook her head before they met up with Amy and Connor surrounding what appears to be a metallic rectangular cube with odd symbols and markings.

"We were doing our morning rounds when we stumbled upon this"

Connor said and Davis eyes the thing before turning to Connor for his backpack and pulled out a cellophane to hold the cube, not knowing what was inside it. Xena tilted her head in confusion and questions were buzzing in her mind.

"What is that?"

"I don't know"

Davis answered. Zyra looked up at the sky "Whatever that is, we have to find out soon. That thing looked like it came from outer space" Xena's eyes went wide "So its an alien object..." Zyra rolled her eyes.

"No it isn't. You and your silly alien invasion movies..."

"Well how do you explain this then?"

"Girls, can you both just calm down because we have bigger problems than this like what is happening to George and why is this found in the enclosure"

What Davis said sent the girls thinking into the same hypothesis.

Were the two connected?

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