The Cravings are Real...and Annoying

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Monte's POV:

Urgh! This is the third time today that I've had strange food cravings. And it's only been an hour since the last one. I'm currently four months along and I just wish I wasn't craving pickles and peanut butter. Gross, I know. But, I still want it. I go to get the peanut butter from the closet, only to find a jar of unopened olives sitting next to it. I wonder how that would taste with the peanut butter. Sadly, I go for it. Grabbing some bread, pickles and ham from the fridge, I put together my abomination of a sandwich and, upon taking a bite, I immediately feel sick. I wonder why. Oddly enough, it did taste good.

"Monte?" Craig asked, obviously seeing me drop my sandwich as I ran into the bathroom. "You okay?" I can't answer him, not yet. I have my head halfway in the toilet, throwing up what little I had just ate. I soon feel a hand on my back as Craig pulls my hair out of the way with the other.

"Remind me never to do that again, Craig." I tell him, lifting my head out of the toilet, only to lay it on the seat. Craig just stands there, rubbing my back. I'm lucky he loves me.


Max's POV:

I'm at a bar and there's this really hot guy who keeps glancing at me. Should I talk to him? I think the answer to that is yes.

"Hey." I say, walking over to him. He blushes a bit as I sit down next to him.

"Hey." He says, shyly. "I'm Brandon."

"I'm Max." I reply, holding out a hand for him to shake.

"I know." Brandon, hesitantly, shook my hand, smiling widely. "I'm a huge Escape the Fate fan."

"Good! I don't need to go over this with you." I laugh out. Brandon lets out a small giggle, too. "Can I buy you dinner, sometime?"

"How about you take me home tonight and show me what all the girls talk about." Brandon replied, winking and looking down at my crotch. I smile, seductively, as I give the bartender a twenty, leaving with Brandon. I'm not gonna say what all we did, so let's just leave it at we had our fun, if you catch my drift.

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