Call Me Master

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Monte's POV:

Today, we start the TWIO tour and I'm excited! We're going to Australia for this tour,  but hey.

"Hey, what's up, Monte?" Max asked, cheerfully, as he went to side hug me.

"Not much, dude!" I reply, shortly before Craig grabbed my waist from behind. We came out to the guys the night of our party, so they know about half of it.

"Hey, Monte, you did pack the condoms, right?" Craig asks, whispering it in my ear.

"Yes, Master." I reply, jokingly. Max and Robert gave me worried looks.

"Monte, is he abusing-" Robert began, but I quickly silenced him.

"No, it's just a BDSM thing." The two continue to look at me. Their expressions now more confused  than worried. "I can be submissive, too, you know!"

"Right. Let's get this show on the road!" Robert said as he picked up his suitcase.


When we landed in Australia, Craig and I decided to go to the hotel. To rest. Damn, guys!

"Oh my God." I say, taking in all the sights around me as we walked down the street the hotel was on. "This is amazing!"

"Yeah, it is." Craig said, taking hold of my hand as he intertwined our fingers. I smiled at this, not wanting him to let go. We got in our room and I collapsed onto the bed. Craig plopped beside me, brushing the hair from my eyes. "You're so beautiful." I blush a his words.

"Cuddle me." I reply as Craig sits up on the bed. He laid back down, wrapping his arms around me. I began to drift off to sleep, feeling his heartbeat against mine. This tour was going to be amazing.

Pin Me to the Floor (Craig X Monte)Where stories live. Discover now