First Show of Tour

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Monte's POV:

"What is UP!" Craig shouted into the microphone, signalling the start of our first show of this tour. "You all look beautiful tonight!" Soon after Craig was finished talking, we began to play the title track off our new album, This War is Ours. "We have to find a better way,  out of this tragedy."


"Best show YET!" I shout as we went on our way back to our tour bus.

"Duh!" Craig replied, laughing. "Maybe tonight, we can have a little post-show celebration. Just you and me." He slapped my ass as he spoke, causing a wide smile to appear on my face.

"Oh, get a ROOM!" Max said, clearly annoyed at us. When we got back to the bus, Craig sat on one of the couches and, naturally, I sat on his lap, kissing him roughly as Max gave us a noise that sounded like 'ugh!'

"What's the matter, Maxie? Can't stand a little soft porn?" I laugh out.

"Should we give him a show?" Craig said, looking at me in an almost seductive manor.

"NO!" Max screamed, causing Craig and I to laugh even harder. Robert walked into the living area of our bus, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, looking at us like 'what the fuck?' "Robert, they're being dicks!"

"Robert, Max is a perv!" I said, looking from Max to Robert.

"Seriously." Robert said, clearly unamused.

"good night, guys." Max said, walking back into bunk alley. "I'm going to bed before you two perves do something in front of me." With that, Max was gone, leaving me and Craig alone.


"Good morning, sexy." Craig said, nudging my shoulder as I opened my eyes.

"Good morning." I smile up at him, lifting my head up from his lap. "Last night's show was a blast, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I just wish we had a hotel room to sleep in." Craig replied, looking ahead of him. I get the feeling this tour is going to be better than I anticipated.

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