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So...you think you can mess with MY world huh?


Look 'god' I can do whatever I want and technically I can't kill error and why can't I eat horror I wanna eat him you f*cking prey of a b*tch which is me and your the prey 


You can NOT do what you want in this world.

In this world.

YOU are the victim.


No I'm the predator do I have to spell that out for you I've killed ink before he can't even die I somehow killed him deal with it


You silly...creature.

In MY world, it is not like your other dimensions. 

You do not have the power of QUEEN.

You do not have the power of REVIVAL.

You do not have POWER. 


F*ck you I'm emily the f*cking creator of this multiverse I don't know who you are but I'll erase you


Perhaps in YOUR multiverse, but in case you haven't noticed, this is not YOUR multiverse no longer.

In YOUR multiverse, you control everything and everyone. Bending reality to your will.

You make YOUR creations miserable. To what, feel happier. Feel full. 

But in THIS multiverse, people have dreams and hopes that require SACRIFICE from me.

Their G0D.


Wait which multiverse am I in damn it ink threw me somewhere I'm sorry look just I'll go back to multiverse 2 I asume you probably one of my siblings look im sorry which multiverse is this


This is multiverse 13.

And this multiverse is where I'd like you to...

visit often.

Although you may also be a GOD, 

You abuse your power on your creations.

I advise you to...

Use M E R C Y once and a while.

It may just save your life,


But before you leave...

and hopefully visit again...

If you dare harm my wonderful creations,

There WILL be consequences. 

Good bye, 3mi1y. 

File has been corrupted

Restart the file?




Failure to restart

Restart the file?




Failure to restart.



It seems as if your presence...

was different than I originally planned. 

No matter.

It just makes it all the more interesting.

File has been edited.

Restart the file?



File restarted.

Loading file...



File loaded.

Error: *wakes up with a start*

Error: A-AH!!

Nightmare: Whoa, dude, chill.

Error: *sweating* Wh-what happened!?

Nightmare: We don't know, you just blacked out.

Error: Ugh...my head...

Error: *tried to stand up*

Susie: You should probably stay down.

Error: Wh...why? *room starts spinning* WH-WHOAAAA....

Error: *falls over* 

Susie: heh. Told you so.

Cross: Does anything hurt, besides your head?

Error: N-no...I'm fine.

Killer: Hey, does anyone know where emeade went?

Dust: Yeah she kind of... disappeared. 

Nightmare: Eh, she'll come back. 

Nightmare: *yawns* I'm just really tired. Let's go to sleep.

Cross: Sure!

Horror: Eh, yeah I'm pretty tired.

Killer: I thought we couldn't...we didn't need to...

Dust: What??

Killer: ...

Killer: ...never mind.

*Lights go out

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