41 - Restoring Friendship

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I know it's not easy having your heart broken and I can't help but feel guilty that Jimin and I got you wrapped up in our messy start, but I know that you are a good guy and I'm sure that you'll find someone to call your own one day." Jungkook reassured Taehyung who shrugged and frowned ever harder at those words, love was complicated and his heart was fragile at the moment. 

"Oh, well one day yeah, but I'm going to be taking it slow with whoever that may be because I tend to rush things. I can't help it that I'm a hopeless romantic, always trying to save people and falling hard too quickly." Taehyung conveyed rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, embarrassed by his gentleman ways and refusing to mention how much he was enjoying Hoseok's company for the past two weeks. 

Since Hoseok still didn't feel safe alone with Yoongi still on the streets he and Taehyung had been living together in the meantime, having dinner every night together and getting to know each more little by little. Even if there was nothing romantic going on between them Taehyung was hoping that one day, when Hoseok was well recovered from his trauma that he could ask him out on a date to show him a good time.  

"But those are great traits to have Taehyung, don't feel bad about it. I really do hope that things work out for you in the future though, you deserve a happy ending also okay." Jungkook said giving Taehyung a warm smile before trailing his eyes over to see the bag in his hand again, his stomach was rumbling at this point because he hadn't eaten the entire morning with all the work load he was trying to complete.  

Jungkook leaned back into his black rolling chair. "Now that we've said our peace, and resolved our issues, I think we can finally try being friends. So please, sit down and show me what you brought me, because I'm starving so damn bad." Jungkook exclaimed pointing to the chair in front of him and waiting patiently for Taehyung to take a seat. 

"Hamburgers because we strong men need to eat lots of protein." Taehyung joked making his voice even more deeper and flexing his arms to show off his muscles. "Shut up and give me my food." Jungkook blurted out ripping through the bag to get to the delicious smelling food. The two spent the next few hours bonding and eating together as close friends. 


It was 5pm when Jimin was finally done with his teacher duties, he was walking through the hallways scrolling over his phone to see that the text messages from Jungkook that were informing him that he was on his way after getting a little held up with traffic. Jimin was smiling happily staring at the selfie Jungkook took of himself, he was sitting in his car, frowning and showing off how there was dozens of cars surrounding him. 

The sounds of footstep could be heard behind him and when he turned to see he was met with Hoseok's face, he had also stayed back to review tomorrow's lesson plans for his students and he was trying to keep a safe distance from Jimin to avoid the awkwardness between them. "That meeting could've been an email, am I right?" Jimin spoke up making Hoseok flinch briefly before nodding and stare at the ground. 

"Y-yeah, it was pretty stupid, one whole hour talking about the new changes for the lunch schedule, but at least they're paying us overtime for it." Hoseok exclaimed, there was a smile on his face and Jimin couldn't remember the last time he saw him smiling, but then again he had hardly paid any attention to Hoseok. Jimin assumed that the others sullen expression was just him feeling guilty for fucking around with his best friends boyfriend. 

Jimin will always feel bad for not seeing the signs of Yoongi abusing him, of course he was avoiding him because he was pissed about their betrayal but he was a human and Jimin knew what it felt like to be degraded and tortured by Yoongi. Jimin was grateful that he never got to experience Yoongi at his worse, he's never been hit or beat by him but the emotional manipulation and the forced sex was still nothing easy to go through. 

Hoseok and Jimin walked towards the exit in silence, their friendship was torn and neither of them were rushing to make it whole again, it was going to take some time before Jimin trusted Hoseok again and Hoseok was okay with that because just having Jimin smiling at him and not hating him like he did before was enough reassurance that they'd be able to get past what happened, eventually, one day. 

Both males were busy looking at their phones that they were completely unaware of the familiar blue haired person standing in the parking lot marching towards them with rage. His fist were balled out and there was a scowl on his face as he saw his petite ex-lover smiling down at his screen and completely content without him, like what they had didn't fucking matter. "Jimin, there you fucking are! Why the fuck aren't you picking up my fucking calls?" Yoongi growled angrily.

Jimin finally got his pretty brown eyes to look up again and there was a look of utter shock on his face when he saw his psychotic ex-boyfriend huffing and puffing, and the shock quickly turned into fear because all Yoongi's attention was on him. Jimin took a step back, he could feel his body shaking, his feet were paralyzed on the ground because he never thought that he'd see him and be near his abusive self again.

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