Chapter 23

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No one ever tells you the cons of being so close to someone. Your best friends aren't always who you think they are. I never really got that experience until I was around fifteen. Three days ago I had celebrated my birthday with Brendon, Nicole, Mike and Dan. We had a cake but no gifts, sadly. It was weird. Turning fifteen wasn't as I expected it to be. I thought I would have a big celebration with all my friends at my house in my backyard. I don't quite recall their names but I remember having the time of my life with them. Although, I do remember one's name. Nick Ballinas. He was the cutest boy I'd ever met. He was sweet, charming, funny and the most caring boy in the school. We were in the same grade and had a fun flirting game going on for about a month or so, until we both mutually confessed our feelings for each other. Then we dated for seven months, all throughout the school year, up until the dreaded day. November eighth: the day I was abducted. So, yeah, I basically still have a boyfriend, I just haven't seen him in a year and a half. I also never mentioned him to anyone down here, not even Brendon. I never wanted to hurt him, and mentioning a boy to Brendon was sure to put them in the hospital. And I would never, ever want that for Nick. He was my everything. If known him for eight months and dated him for seven. I don't really know if being down here counts as dating him still. For all I know, he could have completely forgotten about me, but I never wanted my mind to wander there. That would be the death of me.

On the couch I sat with my eyes closed, trying to think of positive things. Brendon was busy doing something with Nicole, so I didn't really have anyone to hang out with. Dan and Mike were off doing something downstairs, the place where I was forbidden. I was kinda just on my own now. I got up and walked towards the entrance of the kitchen, stopping quietly when I heard two voices conversing.

"How do you have her under your control like that? It kinda weirds me out how she's so infatuated by you." Nicole spoke, stopping herself to take a sip of whatever was in her cup. A deep chuckle resonated and immediately I figured it was Brendon.

"Idolization. She idolizes me, Nic. It doesn't hurt to be good looking either. She has a crush on me, it's as simple as that. And then I have her under my control, she'll do whatever I tell her to do, watch this." I heard his footsteps come near the entrance and I sprinted back into the living room.

"Oh, Faelecia!" With the new information I learned, I thought it was be an amazing time to get back at Brendon.

"Yeah, what's up?" I replied, scrolling through the channels on the TV, stopping when I saw iCarly was airing.

"Do you want to make me a sandwich? I'm starving but I'm tired." His voice was honeyed, and I wasn't going to fall for this. Stretching, followed by a yawn, I laid back down on the couch.

"No, not really. I'm tired too, and I'm on my cycle right now so getting up feels like getting stabbed." I stated, rubbing my lower abdomen. He knit his eyebrows and held onto the wooden rails of the doorframe, swinging himself into the living room.

"Why not? You love making me sandwiches. You also told me that it never hurt when you were on your period." I rolled my eyes and put the TV on mute.

"Look, this isn't the nineteen forties. I'm not a bitch who's gonna make you a sandwich whenever you want. We're in two thousand and eighteen, that shit doesn't matter anymore. Men and women are equal, now go back to the kitchen, do yourself and I a favour, stop wasting my time, and go make yourself a sandwich." When the words escaped my lips I felt so cool. I don't know why, but it seemed like that was one of the smartest things ever. Brendon's lips parted and it's as if he didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes, assuming he went back to the kitchen to make his sandwich.

"Excuse me, what the hell did you just say to me?" Though what I said sounded smart, I wasn't acting like it. I forgot that Brendon would react to what I said.

"I declined your offer to make your sandwich. I'm sorry, Brendon, but I'm fifteen now, I'm gonna have to start doing stuff for myself now. I'm just planning for the future that I don't have because I'm stuck down here, and I would like to plan for it my way, which is being independent, in reference to myself, and nobody else." I responded calmly. Brendon scoffed and came closer to me.

"I don't remember getting you a bratty attitude for your birthday." His figure stood above me, upside down, on top of me. His crossed arms were barely covering his head, which I couldn't see. Although, I could see his jawline. Looking at it now, after what I heard him tell Nicole, it didn't look so perfect to me. I was losing trust in the people here now.

"Yeah, and I don't remember signing a legal obligation that indicates that I'm your property." I shot back, and his hand raised. I quickly rolled off the couch before his hand could make contact with me. The third of the cushion meeting his hand was silent but deadly. I peaked my head back up and saw his arms were crossed again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You were going to slap me?!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes and sat down in the recliner.

"Trust me, if I wanted to slap you I would have." I scoffed and gave him the dirtiest look I could.

"You under estimate me. You don't know what it's like to be a fifteen year old girl. Well guess what?! I'm not as dumb as you think I am! I'm not mindless, or under anyone's control. I'm my own person. I'm not yours, you don't control me and the fact that you would even say that to anyone is completely absurd!" I got up and marched to our room, slamming the door shut and locking it. I place a wooden chair under the doorknob and tilted t so he couldn't open the door. I was sick and tired of Brendon. Now that I knew all the negativity he gave to me I realized just how bad of a person he is.

"Let me in this instant!" I laughed and sat on my bed, listening to the slams and knocks on the door, but he wouldn't be able to get in. I was winning at this point and there's nothing he could do. I was emerging superior. Though, I knew that when Brendon got his way here I would be dead. Dead, but satisfied. And that's all that mattered. That I felt satisfied for once. I wasn't sad anymore, I had a reason to feel a little power.

All because I talked back to Brendon Urie, godfather of the most infamous mafia group known in America.

Panic! At The Mafia//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now