Chapter 6

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5 Months Later

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5 Months Later

"Tell me, what did Brendon and the others do to you when you were down in the bunker?" The psychiatrist asked. I sighed and closed my eyes. Reliving it always haunted me.

"H-He treated me very poorly the first day. He stomped on my foot as hard as he could, but he was nicer. I wanted to throw up, and he gave me a trash can. After that, he hugged me and made me feel better. Then, we... we... what's the word...?" I trailed off. It was on the tip of my tongue.

"Take the time you need." She said, finishing writing something down.

"We practiced? For a mission, I don't recall what it's about. Something about shooting people. I remember because I got shot in the thigh saving Brendon. Then, I sort of passed out. I woke up and Brendon was beside me, there to make sure I was okay when I woke up. We hugged, I shed a few tears, and the other three men walked in. Apologized for being rude and we all made up. After that we watched Rick and Morty in TV, but Brendon suggested we do another mission. This one was safe. We would go to dinner with another mafia man, and put cyanide in his drink. So Brendon dressed me up, made me look older, and we left. We put the pills in their drink, and we walked out, surrounded by cops. Brendon dropped to his knees and automatically surrendered. I was confused and started yelling and screaming and crying. It was all too emotional for me." I finished. The woman continued writing for around a minute or two.

"Can you describe Urie for me?" She looked up, her glasses near falling off her face.

"Yes. He had a nicely proportioned face. His jawline... oh! his jawline. It was a perfect. You could cut a piece of paper with it. His hair. His hair was always so soft, smooth, and never in his face. It was also a dark drown, that even I sometimes confused for black. His eyes were a melted chocolate brown. They could suck any woman in with just one glare. But if he wanted to... oh man, he could break a girl with those eyes. His nose, I mean, it was a nose. A little over average I guess. And his lips. His plump lips. When he spoke, they moved perfectly. They gave very sweet and warming kisses." I dozed off into a quick little fantasy world.

"Faelecia?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Yes?" I broke out of it. She smiled small at me and went back to her clipboard.

"After hearing your description of Brendon, I only have one question to ask you." She informed. I nodded and let her continue, "Did you have any feelings towards the man?"

"Well, yes and no. We had a, you could describe it as a family relationship... I guess? Like, I loved him, but more as like, the father I never had." She nodded and got up.

"Well thanks! I recommend you get some sleep. If something's wrong, just press the button right there, alright?" I nodded and went under the covers. She closed the door, along with the lights.


I woke up as I normally did. Forgetting I was in a psychiatric ward. I got out of bed and stretched quickly. My room was boring as hell. It was almost like a prison cell. Gray, uncomfortable bed. You know? Everything that makes you want death. I walked to my dresser and started organizing. It was my biggest stress reliever. I grabbed onto a tray that had a vase of flowers that an anonymous family member sent me. Red roses, my favourite! There was also a drawing of Brendon that I drew a long time ago. I thought it still looks good.

Then, I heard a deep, dark voice that made me drop my tray in fear

"Missed me, love?"

Panic! At The Mafia//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now