Chapter 10

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(This is based off of the new "Saturday Night" video! I love that song so much!)

After a few weeks, everything was sort of back to normal. Well, except for Brendon. He had a girlfriend. Her name was Kate, and she seemed nice. But it wasn't a type of relationship that they should be in. They were rough with each other.

Dallon and I were in the living room, along with Dan. Then, I heard the dishes break.

"Damn! They both shove each other into anything they can. We've broken three bowls and five plates!" I exclaimed. Dallon nodded, shaking his head.

"I agree. Now I don't know a lot about love, but this is too much." Dallon complained.

"Now, now guys! Brendon's in love! Let's not s**t on this for him!" Dan commented. I crossed my arms and shook my head no.

"This-" I was cut off by another dish breaking, "is not love! Brendon's just putting his frustrations into this woman, and she's doing the same. All they do is make out."

"I agree with Faelecia on this one! It's become a bit too much." Dallon said once more. Kenny walked in, smiling at me.

"I woke up to the sound of stuff breaking. Is Kate over again?" Kenny questioned. We all nodded, and he rolled his eyes.

"I mean, it's nice that Brendon has a girlfriend, but I want cutlery. This is dumb!" I shouted.

"We haven't gone anywhere for business since you've gotten back." Dan said.

"Now look who's joining the conversation!" I mocked. Dan stuck his tongue out at me, joking around.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna change into my pyjamas." I said, getting up. All the guys nodded and watched as I left. I walked into Brendon and I's room, only to see that my bed was a total mess, and everything was thrown everywhere. I clenched my fists and stormed off back to the guys.

"They f**king did it in my bed!" I yelled. I heard the slamming stop, and for a moment I thought Brendon heard me, but they went back to breaking everything.

"Gross!" Dan gagged. Dallon knit his eyebrows and his mouth curved, as if he were gonna vomit. He didn't. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Brendon doesn't even kiss me goodnight anymore. And now this. I'm not f**king sleeping in that bed. I'm gonna sleep on the couch." I cried. Dan wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"Take a deep breath in, okay? You'll be fine. Brendon's gonna get over this. Maybe if you confront him, you'll get to tell him how you feel." Dan suggested.

"But what if he gets mad at me?" I wiped my tears away.

"If he gets mad at you, tell one of us and we'll kick his ass for you." Dallon joked. I smiled and heard Brendon mumbled something. Then, his footsteps came into the room.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, concern covering his face. I stormed off and slammed the door to our room shut.

"She needs to be alone." Dan stated.

Brendon replied, annoyingly, with, "Shut up! I can do whatever I want."

I heard Brendon walk towards the room and slightly knock.

"Faelecia?" He questioned. I sat on the floor, because both beds were filthy. Brendon opened the door and witnessed me crying on the floor.

"What's wrong?" He questioned. I looked at him and proceeded to cry.

"Cmon, I'm here for you." He rubbed my back.

"Are you f**king kidding me? Here for me is as far as you ever been lately!" I snapped, wiping my eyes with the balls of my hands.

"Excuse me young lady? Who gave you the right to speak to me like that?" He thundered.

"Who gave you the right to screw Kate on my bed? Who gave you the right to just blatantly ignore me for the past week? I think you deserved to have me curse at you one time!" I yelled. Brendon shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Are you on your period?!" He shouted. I gasped and punched a hole through the wall.

"Shut the f**k up about my period! You're missing the point. All you do with Kate is you f**king break all the plates and ignore the four of us down here!" I screamed. Brendon took a step back, took a deep breath in and clutched his fists.

"Since Kate has been down here, you haven't given me any Goodnight kisses, nor have you been treating me like you used to before..." I wiped away some more tears.

"Faelecia," He placed his hand on my cheek and slowly made me face him. "if I had known you felt that way before now, I would have changed my attitude..."

He apologized, leaning against the wall.

"Clean my f**king bed. I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." I stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut so hard that some pieces broke.

"I need a pillow and a blanket." I stated. Kenny ran quickly and passed me what I asked for.

"Thank you! Now I'm going to bed. I've had a long night."

Panic! At The Mafia//Brendon UrieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang