Chapter 28

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(A/N: hey, i'm back, and i'm trying to end all of my stories so y'all may be upset with how i continue these stories but, BUT... i am definitely not as creative as i was like 5 years ago, so sorry if this goes downhill i'm trying my best!)

(Major time skip...)

Years had passed and Nick was still upset about Brendon having us both kidnapped. He was totally right for feeling this way, he still is of course. I get it, being taken is not the easiest thing, but I feel I got used to it and accepted it pretty easily. I mean, there's no point fighting when you know there's no way out. Especially if you're dealing with people who could seriously hurt you, you need to protect yourself. I've learned that the best way to protect myself is to own up to this lifestyle. Nick thinks that the best way to keep himself safe is to argue with Brendon, someone who is very close to slitting his throat.

That's not an empty threat either, I have witnessed Brendon slit many peoples throat's before. He's actually really good at it. Yet, that was an issue. I saw how he got rid of Dallon and Kenny, he could do that to Nick no problem. Especially if he sees that Nick's been getting on my nerves too. I hate to say it, but he has been pissing me off lately. Obviously, I can't have Brendon knowing, or else it'll be the end of him. It has been pretty hard to hide it though. Lately I've been sleeping in my own room, away from Brendon and Nick, because I just didn't feel it with him as much anymore. It felt like he was hiding something from me, I just couldn't pinpoint it.

"Hey, Fae, supper's ready. We made your favorite!" One more thing, three years was definitely enough time to actually become a fluent member of the group. It's like once I turned eighteen everything changed. Brendon gave me my own room, I actually got to sit and drink with the group, all of the things I watched them do for four and a half years. They've accepted me. The only one who was the oddball was... well, Nick. Like I said, he wasn't coming to terms with his this, and I absolutely do not blame him. Knowing us, I'm probably the one who's fucked in the head and that's why I'm so fine with this now. But then again, I feel like I'm the smart one for sucking it up and going along with it.

"Lemme guess, you made nachos!" I turn to look in the kitchen and there Brendon is, pulling out a tray of nachos from the oven. The smell overwhelmed my nostrils and I found myself subconsciously sitting at the table. Everyone else was doing something else, so Brendon had made just a small batch for us two. Grabbing two bowls and a bottle of salsa, both of us started to eat.

"So, how's the boytoy?" Brendon warmed up to the fact that Nick and I were together. Obviously I got treated better than Nick because Brendon liked me and absolutely despised Nick.

I shrug at his question, dipping one of the chips in salsa before popping it in my mouth. "He's good," I chew, trying to finish quickly so I can continue my sentence, "pretty moody today."

"What is it this time?" He asks, and I sigh. I really shouldn't be telling Brendon, I really shouldn't, but it just starts pouring out of me.

"Fuck, what isn't it?! It's always something. Why do I have to sleep in the basement? Why don't you want to spend the night with me? When I can start helping around here? Every time I go down there he just whines and bitches and it's taking a toll on me, for fuck sakes!" Again, another big sigh escapes my lips, but this time, it's a sigh of relief.

"He's just upset that you're actually warming up to this. He wishes you were still the person you were when you guys met, and the fact that you're not is what's making him whiny." I nod my head in agreeance but look around the room.

"Well, I can't remain the same person I was when I was thirteen! That was five years ago, shit's changed." We continue to eat until the plate's basically empty, but both of us admit that we're not capable of finishing it.

"I feel like sometimes I just need to get in a car, drive around and crank some tunes." I say aloud, and Brendon smirks a little.

"So why don't we? I've got the challenger parked on the street, we'll take her out for a little cruise and clear your mind." My heart flutters and I get all excited.

"That sounds great! Let me just go get ready!" I run to my room and get changed into a plain shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I brush my hair and touch up my makeup, since we are kind of going out in public. Brendon waits outside of my room, so once I'm done, we're on our way upstairs to the latch.

Once we're in the car, I feel myself already a little de-tensed. "So, where are we going?"

He starts the car and we both put our seatbelts on. "I was thinking just go down the highway for a bit and then turn around and come back."

I change the channel to a radio station playing old music from the 2000s. I roll the window down and let the wind in the car. It feels nice. Definitely feels fresh, I haven't gone out for something un-"work"-related since before ever meeting Brendon.

"So, you guys have been fighting?" He turns the radio down and looks at me, setting his cruise on for the highway.

"You could say... not really fighting but more so ignoring and being passive-aggressive towards each other. It's all over nothing really, just kind of lost our connection, you know?" He nods along to what I'm saying and I can finally feel a little relief. It's been a year since I've been holding this all in and now that it's out of my system I feel a little more free.

"Wow, I never noticed. I mean I've seen you in a bad mood before but never correlated it to being about Nick. How long has this been going on?" I shrug my shoulders and think.

    "About a year, maybe more, I can't really remember." His eyes widen a bit and he pans his focus back on to the road.

    An old song plays through the speakers and I bounce immediately. The name is on the tip of my tongue, I just can't remember it. Brendon watches in amusement as he hides the information on screen by switching to the navigation.

    "Quick! Name the artist!" I close my eyes and think, trying to remember anything from my childhood that could be associated with this melody. But then I realize,

    I can't remember anything about my childhood anymore.

    Panic courses through me for a second, but I hide it decently well. "Uh... Lady Gaga?"

    He sings along, nodding his head. "Yep, now what song?"

Panic! At The Mafia//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now