Chapter 8

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"So, while we kill time, why don't we talk about our adventures. I'll go first." Brendon smiled. We were both sitting on my bed, legs crossed.

"Yeah, I really wanna know how you escaped prison," I said truthfully, awaiting his response.

"They used chains to tie my hands together and expected me to be able to not escape. I found a Bobbi pin lying on the floor, bent it and used that to unlock the chains. After that, I used the chains to break the window, hopped out and started my foot run until the cops couldn't find me." He retold the story.

"But how did you know I was here?" I asked. Brendon chuckled and gave me a soft look.

"The detective told me everything." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Cops these days are so stupid. That's why I'm glad we're in the mafia." He laughed and looked towards me, seeing that I was really nervous.

"Sweetie? Something the matter?" He took my hands and started stroking them both with his thumb. 

"It's just, that... I hope you know I won't be fully me. I'll be shy, and maybe I won't be able to kill and torture immediately..." I trailed off.

"Well, of course. You're gonna need some time to adjust. That's normal. The guys will understand, and so do I." He smiled and gave me a tight hug.

"I missed this... getting hugs from you when I felt down," I stated.

"Trust me, I've been waiting five months for one. It feels nice." He broke the hug and planted a kiss on my cheek. 

"I really did miss you! You were almost my every thought in jail. Other than the guys and my escape plan." I smiled and laid down.

"God, this day has been chaotic!" I exclaimed. Brendon played with my hair and sighed.

"Yeah, we have around an hour. What do you wanna do?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at him, seeing he was happy. I instantly went to hug him. He chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Can I be honest?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs. Brendon nodded, paying close attention.

"While being interrogated is totally my favorite thing, after five months of it, I sort of broke. And... I may have told them your motives..." I tightened my voice. Brendon placed his hand under my chin and pulled it up slowly. 

"That's fine. You cracked. You're learning all of this. Also, we'll make new motives. It's not a big deal. No one's mad at you for being in here." He reassured me. He smiled at me and tilted my head.

"Is it just me or did you get your haircut?" He questioned. I nodded and played with my shorter hair.

"They wouldn't allow me to leave the facility, not even to go outside for some fresh air, so the hair stylist had to come here. She was a nice lady." I added. Brendon reached to touch it, touching the bottom. He tucked it behind my ear, revealing my earrings.

"When did you get those?" He laughed, admiring the diamond in them.

"I made a bribe. If they let me get my ears pierced I would tell them more information. It hurt at first, but now it doesn't feel like anything." I shrugged. Brendon nodded and went back to his normal stance.

"What time is it?" I asked. He looked at his watch and back at me.

"Almost one in the morning." He informed. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. 

"It's already that late?" I entreated. He nodded and I closed my eyes. Just learning the time made me tired. 

"You can fall asleep in the car, I just wanna make it out here with no complications." He testified.

"Okay, I'm okay with that." I yawned. Brendon rubbed my arm and smiled.

"You're a good kid, Faelecia." He pointed out. I giggled and laid down on his legs.

"Is my room still going to be your room?" I interrogated. 

"I don't know, do you want it to be?" He chuckled. 

"Maybe..." I answered. He nodded and checked his watch again.

"I'm gonna have to get a new phone." He rolled his eyes and looked back up at me.

"You think you ready to go?" I nodded and we both got up, held hands and walked out into the dark hallway.

Brendon was so quiet that even I forgot he was walking. I tried my best to stay silent, but my shoes made the tiniest sound while walking. We got to the door and Brendon used the keycard of my now dead psychiatrist to open the door without setting off the alarm. 

"How are we gonna drive home if we don't have a car?" I questioned. Brendon winked at me and pulled out some car keys from the jacket. 

"And you know which car it is?" I tilted my head. He spun the chain around his fingers and caught the main remote-less key, pressing the unlock button. I heard the car in a lot of other cars and saw the lights glow. 

"Yes, I do!" He exclaimed, walking to the car. 

"First stop: Apple Store! Second: home!" He cheered. I closed my eyes and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"I am so tired!" I yawned again. Brendon looked over at me, backed out of the ward and then kept his focus on the road.

"Go to sleep then. I'll wake you up when we get home." He promised.

"Alright, goodnight Brendon!"

"Try and sleep well, Faelecia!" He rubbed my knee for a second.

"Glad to have you back!"

Panic! At The Mafia//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now