Chapter 32

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    I decided to take a shower to wash all of the gross Nick-ness off my body

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    I decided to take a shower to wash all of the gross Nick-ness off my body. Brendon also suggested he take a shower to wash all of Nick's blood off himself. Now whether these showers were taken separately or not does not matter, but they definitely were taken together... at the same time.

    "Oh gosh, I feel so much better now." I say, walking out of the bathroom with my hair wrapped in a towel. Brendon walks out right behind me, turning the bathroom light off. 

    "Well, I feel very grateful that we were able to save some water." I giggle and make my way towards my bedroom, drying my hair and applying my makeup. Brendon comes in and watches. Lately he's been very attached to me, which I do not mind all. It makes me feel a lot more protected. 

    "Alright, now that your hands are clean, lemme bandage them." He nods and we both walk to the nursing room. Normally when both Brendon and I are in here, it's because I'm the one who's injured. I grab the first aid kit and snoop through the cabinet above the sink, trying to find some Polysporin and some bandages. 

    "So..." I don't know how to ask this without sounding like a sadist, "what'd you do to him?" 

    Brendon looks at me and I can see a smile forming on his face. "You want me to tell you what I did to him? Really?"

    I grab his arm and roll his sleeves up to his elbow, running his fists under warm water. "Yes, that's why I asked you, for fuck sakes." 

    He chuckles at my quick temper and keeps his hands limp for me to treat them. 

    "Well, I don't really know. It was kind of a blur. I saw him on top of you, with his hand down your pants and I just jumped right on him. After that it was a berate of punches and... maybe a couple elbows to the face." He seems a little ashamed as he tells me, and I check his elbows quickly. Of course one of them is a little split open, but it's nothing that rest won't heal. 

    "Yeah but like... how'd you kill him?" I squeeze some Polysporin on my finger and start to rub it into his damaged knuckles, massaging it into the cuts.

    "Why are you so interested? This morning when we were talking you were insisting he doesn't get killed." I shrug my shoulders and keep my eyes on his knuckles, making sure I spread this topical ointment on every open wound. 

    "Yeah, well I thought he was cheating, I didn't know he was this monster who wanted to assault women. Now how did you kill him?" I ask once more, hardening my tone. Reaching over to grab the bandages, I notice Brendon sigh.

    "It's not as cool as you think. I beat him until he was unrecognizable and choked him until he stopped breathing, nothing too fun." I sigh and sit on the examination table, wrapping the bandages around Brendon's hand. 

    "Well, I'm glad you were there. Who knows what would have happened if you didn't show up sooner?" I don't even want to imagine that, but I can feel Brendon tense up when I ask that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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