"May I have your attention" Jonnie tapped his glass with a knife as him and Karl stood up.

"Well little sisters, oh god the memories we have of growing up with you two..."

To sum it all up they told many embarrassing stories including Perrie eating her entire tom and jerry advent calendar at Christmas, leaving melted chocolate all over her face. And when I was 2 my mam left her bottle of red nail varnish on the table, I somehow got it and painted my full face with it. Which ended up my mam thinking I was bleeding...

"I just want to say good luck to you Jade, I've had to put up with living with this one for 18 years and I don't know how you'll cope" he toasted us after having us laughing.

They sat down and Jesy and Leigh-Anne stood up.

Oh no

"Ello everyone!" Jesy started by waving "jades been our best friend for a long time and I've never seen her as happy as when she met blondie here. They're the most perfect couple, lemme tell ya. On a school trip to Rome when we found out about them, but that stories coming. But they had been dating a month which we hadn't even known, but jade dragged me round many shops looking for and I quote "the perfect present for her Perrbear" she got her the charm bracelet, that she hasn't took of even to this day. When they saw each other Perrie gave her this big Minnie Mouse teddy and she was jumping around showing us and the girls" she pointed to Lauren, Camila, Ally, Dinah and Normani. Yes they got invited because they knew about us before anyone else did and well we're basically friends with them "she wouldn't let go of it, she's so protective over that damn mouse. But she also gave Jade the necklace that she doesn't take off." They smiled at us sweetly and I pecked Perrie's lips. "ANYWAYS now onto how we found out about the happy but not so innocent couple over here.." I hid my head in Perrie's chest, not believing that they actually told our guests about that. "But we found it really funny that they had been sneaking around like teenagers. Running up and down the corridor with jade on you back maybe wasn't the best way to hide it eh Pezz? Or the shower sex that you could here them from about five rooms away!" Everyone laughed at our embarrassment.

"But I've never met a couple who are so perfect for each other, they're so alike but so different. So we want to wish you an even happier life together. Along with baby jerrie, and the other two in the future. We hope that we end up like you two. To the happy couple!" They cheered and sat down but then Leigh stood straight back up again.

"Oh we forgot to give you your little surprise. That Jesy, Camila, Lauren, Normani, Ally, both your mams and I planned. We knew you'd love it" she smiled and motioned for someone to turn off the lights.

A video started playing on the screen behind us, Perrie giving me a piggy back through the school corridors when no one was around. Then us both running down the beach in Rome, when I tripped over Ally and Camila's sandcastle. A few pictures of us kissing and pulling funny faces. Then the one we took of lesy with 'revenge bitches' written across their foreheads. A couple of us falling asleep on each other or just doing random things. One was a picture of me sitting on the kitchen counter whilst Perrie made us hot chocolates, then the other way around when I was cooking. But the funniest one that appeared was the morning when Perrie attempted to cook and set the fire alarms off, and I was talking in a Russian accent with the hair dryer, yes they added that video in too. But my favourite was the last picture of us dancing whilst putting the Christmas decorations up, with tinsel around our necks. They switched the lights on and I was happy crying, they came over and hugged us both as we thanked them for it. We all sat back down accept Perrie, who didn't let go of my hand.

"I'd like to say something too about my beautiful wife sitting right here. When I met her, she had to show me around the school and when the projector in my classroom wouldn't work she had to come and help me, which resulted in her having to stand on the desk and almost falling off. Anyone who knows Jade, knows how clumsy she is. Falling on top of me in the middle of the corridor. Or better yet almost breaking my nose by opening the door and hitting me in the face with it. Every time I'm around her she always falls, but she lands straight in my arms every time. She may look like an innocent woman but I know she's far from it" she smirked and everyone laughed, whilst I blushed from embarrassment again. "But there is so much more than what meets the eye when you look at her. Apart from being a kind, big hearted, beautiful and sexy woman" she winked at me "she's also so strong and amazing. After what she's been through over the last few months, and a few years ago which she deserved none of, she always has this bright smile on her face. Yes I proposed after only dating for four months but I knew for a fact that I'd never find anyone like her, and that I needed her to be mine forever. I love her too much and if I had lost her I don't know what I'd do. But on the brighter side of things, in a few months a little baby will be running around us. Your probably thinking 'oh god Perrie with a baby' well that's what I'm thinking too, but I wouldn't want kids with anyone else. I love you jadey, I always will"

I was a mess at that point and so was nearly all of our table, thank god for waterproof make up. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, crying into her neck as she pecked mine and rubbed my back. I pulled away but still with my arms around her neck, pressing my lips to hers. I hiccuped causing us to pull away and her laugh.

"I love you so much Jade Edwards" she smiled wiping my eyes,

"I love you too, more than biscuits Perrie Edwards" I smiled and turned to everyone.

"I'd like to say something to Perrie's brother, Jonnie" I looked over at him.

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"I looked after her" I smiled at him and he nodded at me, lovingly as if I was a blood relative.


The rest of the party was amazing. It was hilarious watching both of our mams drunk and dancing with the other two party animals, who weren't even that drunk well, Jesy wasn't. Debbie came over and dragged us over to their little group making us dance with them. Perrie fully sober and me more or less the same, laughing at the four. I was dancing and she came up behind me, putting her hands on my hips. Kissing my neck, up to my ear.

"How about we go up to the hotel room and have a little fun" she asked seductively, tugging on my ear.

"Pezz" I moaned slightly "our family and friends are here, can't you wait a little longer?"

"Okay.." She pouted. I laughed and pecked her lips.

"Oh god they're getting it on on the dance floor. CHILDREN COVER YOUR EYES" Jesy shouted. Leigh covered her eyes making us all laugh.

"No we're not dumb ass" Perrie laughed. "Not yet anyways" Jesy smirked as she asked the next question.

"You brought the-"

"Yep" Perrie smirked back. I turned and looked at her.

"Will it not hurt the-"


"You su-"


"Your really hor-"

"Yep!!" She nodded.

"Her hormones are flying, you'll be on all night!" Debbie shouted, wobbling a little. Whilst Leigh and Jesy were doing hip thrusts.

"Oh shut it you lot" I laughed.

We went back to dancing and then about an hour later Perrie obviously thought of something.

"Hey babe?" She asked, her hands on my hips.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Have you got your garter on?"

"Yeah why?" I asked, confused as to what she was getting at.

"You know I have to take it off right?" She smiled cheekily. That's when it clicked.

"You have to use your teeth remember" I smiled back cheekily at her. When I said that the song finished so almost everyone around us heard.

"Oh god they've started already" Jesy exaggerated.

"Well let's go shall we?" I asked.

"We shall my lady" i held my arm out for her to take. Instead she picked me up bridal style, minding her bump.

"Woahhh" I said not expecting her to do that.

"Let's go baby" she smiled cheekily as I held my arms around her neck. Wolf whistles were heard all around.

"Go easy on each other, kitty got claws remember Jade!" Jesy shouted, making everyone laugh.

"Remember to use your teeth, mouse"


2 more to go😭

I know the mouse nickname is from another fic but Jade is only calling Perrie it to tease her because her names kitten...


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