Chapter 33

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Perrie came over as fast as she could and engulfed me in a hug, I clung to her and began to cry.

"What the fucks he doing back here!?" Jesy growled.

"I know why" Leigh put her head in her hands, and began shaking it.

"Why, what's going on?" Perrie asked still soothing me, obviously confused.

"He's her ex" Leigh explained.

"The one you caught cheating?"

"Yeah well a few weeks later they decided to try again and well it didn't end well"

I broke down in her arms, reliving the past nightmares. She ran her fingers through my hair in attempt to calm me.

"Why? Out of all the schools he could have decided to work at, why this one?" I sniffed.

"I still can't believe someone could be so sick as too do that to any one, never mind their girlfriend" jesy spat.


I had been dating Sam for almost 8 months. We met at my friend, who happened to be his cousins party. That day he had text me to tell me to go to his house.

So here I was sitting in his living room with his brother Mitch who was waiting for his friend to pick him up to go to a party. And Sam walked though the door right when his friend pulled up.

"You have fun" he smiled and left.

"Hey" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"You" he scouled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"One of my friends saw you kissing some prick the other night" he said through gritted teeth.

"I've been with Jesy and Leigh-Anne all week, I haven't been near anyone accept them"

"Liar" he spat and got closer to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"It's the truth, the only time we went out was to mcdonalds, I swear" I cowered back into the sofa.

"Your a little slut, going round kissing other people when you have a fucking boyfriend" he spat. I looked at him and he slapped me across my right cheek.

"Sam I wouldn't do that" I tried to stand up but he pushed me into the fireplace and I fell on the floor.

"What else did you do with him ay? I bet you sucked him off" he kicked me in my lungs.

"I didn't do anything with anyone" I gasped for air.

"You liar!" he shouted and kicked me again which caused me to shuffle back and hit the table, the glass vase fell and smashed.

"He had you against the wall didn't he!" He shouted again and pushed my shoulder which caused me to roll back onto the glass.

"I bet this isn't the first time" he said and rolled my front onto the shards off glass.

"Let's see how much of a slut you really are" he undone his belt and kicked me in the ribs.

"Sam please don't" I sobbed.

"This is what you wanted all along, slut" he spat and pulled his pants down.

He got down next to me to try and get my jeans off. I kicked him in the underpants region and he rolled over in pain. I attempted to get off the floor but I lost my breath, it quickly came back and I ran as fast as my legs would let me towards the door.

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