Chapter 25

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I told her the plan I had in my mind. She smirked and agreed. We decided we'd have some fun, trick and wind them up. We decided that we should put our plan into action straight away. I went next door to knock on their door and a smiley Leigh opened the door.

"Hey chicken, what's up?" She smiled opened the door further, letting me in. She went back to sit under the covers with Jesy.

"Just wondering if you guys wanted to have a movie night?" I asked lying between them.

"Yeah sure, just bring Pezza through here" Jesy smiled. I nodded, got up and walked back out, unlocking our door. Finding Perrie where I left her.

"What's happening then?" She asked moving over.

"Plans on" we smirked.

I took my top off underneath and just put her hoodie on, it was quite warm. I saw her biting her lip and eyeing my body, making me blush.

"Not yet" I giggled taking her hand, pulling her out the room. We knocked and Leigh answered again. She moved and let us in.

"Hey love birds" Jesy joked "I want to funny business during the movies mind, I'm watching yous" Jesy pointed at us, then her eyes, then back at us again. We sat on the little sofa at the side.

"You'd like that wouldn't you" I joked, straddling Perrie. She smirked and then grabbed my thighs.

"Leigh would" Leigh joked putting her hand up, waving excitedly. I looked as Leigh smiled brightly, daring not to laugh.

"Jesy never denied it" she put her hands in my back pockets, gripping my bum.

"She never would, they both like watching two girls make out" I pressed my lips on hers roughly and bit her lip, making her moan to wind them up even more. She shoved her tongue in my mouth and battled with mine. I ran my hands through her hair before hearing gagging noises. I pulled away looking at Perrie who was trying not to laugh.

"Not that it wasn't hot or anything it's just I don't really want to see our little jadey get dirty" Jesy nodded "well..again" she smirked.

"Yeah well I'm aloud to be, right babe?" I looked at her to see her nodding eagerly. "Well it's fun when I'm in charge" I winked. We knew where this was going to.

"It definitely is" she squeezed my bum again.

"Oi cheeky!" I giggled.

"Can we stop talking about how hot dominant jade is and watch a fucking movie!" Jesy shouted laughing.

"Fine" I winked at Perrie again and turned around on her.

"Plan one, complete" she whispered in my ear.

"You may as well be comfy so you can watch it" Leigh smiled moving over to make room for us on the bed, moving closer to Jesy.

"Thanks Leigh-leigh" I smiled standing up off Perrie. She sat on the bed next to them, I sat on her lap and leaned my head on her chest. I closed my eyes as she played with my hair. I heard the camera sound go off and my eyes shot open. "Alright, who took it?" I asked.

"I did" Leigh smiled from the other side of Jesy "but on Perrie's phone"

"Why?" I looked up at her.

"Because I need a new background" she showed me it. I must admit, we do look adorable.

"Send me it" I smiled and she nodded. A few seconds later, my phone went off. I pulled it out and set it as mine too.

The New Teacher (jerrie)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt