Chapter 46

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A week, 7 days until I become Mrs Edwards. We had almost everything sorted for the wedding. Perrie's dress shows off her little bump, which is adorable. I've basically pushed what happened to the back of my mind now, and focused on Perrie, the wedding and mini Perrie, as I call him/her. I was going through the list at lunch in my room making sure we had everything. All we've got to buy is flowers, balloons and...

"Shit" I said quite loudly, putting my head in my hands.

"What's wrong?" Leigh and Jesy asked, whilst Perrie looked confused but rubbing my back. I turned to Perrie.

"We've forgot about the bridesmaids dresses" her eyes widened.

"Oh crap yeah, I knew there was something" I looked at the two opposite us.

"Your still our head bridesmaids right?" I asked. We couldn't exactly choose between them.

"Wait, what?"

"Er Perrie, I don't think we asked them..." We looked at each other.

"Your a little late in picking like" Jesy laughed and Leigh nudged her, but nodded.

"We'd love to be" they came over and hugged us.

"You've already been acting like it" Perrie laughed.

"It's true" I nodded.

"That's true, you especially" Jesy nudged her girlfriend.

"I know"

"After work, we're going dress shopping...again" I giggled when I said again.

"So who's the other bridesmaids?" Leigh asked.

"Katherine, Caitlin and Shireen because she's my brothers fiancé so yeah" I smiled. "And our brothers are best men, yeah we decided to actually have them" I laughed because we were thinking about not having them.

"And little Karl is the ring bearer" she smiled cuddling into me.

"Aww so you've got their suits?" I nodded "but not the dresses..?"

"We're forgetful, okay?" Perrie laughed.

"Right so when's the hen parties?" Jesy clapped excitedly.

"Jes, we're only having one" she looked at us funny "we don't really feel like we want a big party, so we're going out for a big meal, then have a nice little pamper night at ours" I smiled.

"No club?"

"No club"

"No bar?" She asked again, a little shocked.

"No bar, but we can get drunk at ours. Well I don't want Perrie to go into a club and be hit with smoke and alcohol fumes, especially when she's carrying little one here" I rubbed her little bump.

"Your so overprotective of them both, it's cute. Your like an over protective mother" Jesy smiled.

"I don't want anything happening to these two though" I put my head on Perrie's shoulder.

"It's adorable" she kissed my head.

"I'm so excited now" I smiled up at her.

"For the wedding?" I nodded.

"Because I'll finally be Jade Amelia Edwards" she smiled brightly.

"Would it not be Jade Amelia Perrie Edwards?" Leigh said staring into space.

"How?" Jesy asked Leigh confused.

"Well she's taking Perrie's name, so when we get married I'd be Leigh-Anne Jesy Nelson" she smiled sweetly, whilst her girlfriends jaw dropped. Leigh looked at the three of us "what'd I do?"

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